Saturday, 10 December 2011

Ozzy Osbourne -yes he is the man

Although this may surprise some of you, not everything Ozzy sings is trash. In fact, some of his songs I can even make out the words. Tonight the one I am referring to is "Life Won't Wait For You", and whoever wrote it, it is brilliant to me.
Every second of every is too short if we live to be one hundred. Live wisely and have fewer regrets. Tell that person you are sorry. Fulfill that promise you made to whoever it was. Stand by your word with your life, or you will fall at the first hurdle. Life is too short. Quit loving at funerals, love will there is time to fix old wounds, or know when to move on, because life won't wait for you.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

ok add hotmail to the list i hate

Your account has been blocked
Why are you seeing this?
Someone may have used your account to send out a lot of junk messages (or something else that violates the Windows Live Terms of Service).
We're here to help you get your account back.
What do you need to do?
We'll ask you to provide us with a mobile phone number where we can send you a verification code and we'll add this phone number to your Windows Live profile for future use.  After you enter the code, you can change your password and sign in.
We've cleaned your account settings
Often customers get here because someone else has access to your account and are using it without your knowledge to send spam. To protect you and your contacts, we've removed any Hotmail auto-replies or linked accounts you may have had.
On the weekend i was asked to open my blog more often, so i went into my hotmail nots to get something for inspiration. Instead i saw FB had flooded me with a million trite messages about nothing so i sat there and systemically deleted most all of them.
This is my reward for all that hard work. I can't get access at all to my account because itis blocked. Sadly that includes most of my families address book as well.
so...please dont think i am getting your messages on my hotmail account, as i refuse to give them the phone number they requested all along. They can keep my messages pics etc, as they have probably deleted them already.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

a good wife

Jim woke up when i was not in bed and came out for a drink of water, now an hour later he is telling me for a second time, come to bed. I can't sleep, and i won't until he gets home Friday. Today whilst renfrewshire is preparing to send all kids home by 1 pm(major winds coming), he is setting out for a trip to England for work. The winds are bad enough, but this car is not his, and he is unfamiliar with how it handles...and although he has driven forever, other people may panic.
This is what i will do--kiss him good-bye with no tears, not beg him to quit his job, not break out in hives, etc. What i want to do is wrap him in a duvet and tell him to quit his job until Monday. So , ok, i do overreact. I hope I am overreacting, I hope this all turns out to be another Michael Fish fox paws. I hope because I won't be able to do a thing to help him. I must just pray, trust him and wait.
That's what a good wife does.

NHS nightmares-angels watching over me!!!!!!!!!

OK, so my dialysis is not a social club, I attend because if I do not attend i will get very sick. Poisons are eliminated that my dying kidneys no longer can control.
Now, the reason we can afford this is Jim has had a job for about a hundred years and paid liberal taxes. Part of that job requires him to travel out of the country, and frankly we are not independently wealthy yet, so he goes pretty much where sent.
That meant Friday morning he would be away and I had no one to help me into my shoes. Up to now if JIm was not there,  I had velcro slippers to where, and I could get myself to the hospital in them. These same slippers have no sole, and i trip enough when the route is dry.
So I ask the sister at hospital if there was an opening on Saturdays rota, when Jim would be home. Nope!
Then i got nonsense about buying a pair of boots, (lol ) like i can get american sizes in europe! then they said well could you come in Friday, but later? as if shoes are easier to put on later in the day. Nope. SO i went home and made up my mind I would suffer until Monday. I knew i would be sick, but i thought i would suck it up so to speak.
After moaning all the way home, don't i get a call from an angel of mercy and don't i have an appointment on Ward 7 east on Saturday. She went to the docs and got them to make a space for me. Thank you God. I bet this all sounds petty to you, but I do not go to dialysis cause it is fun, i go because I need to.OK so now i can relax until Saturday and all is well.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

A baby is coming

This is advent season in the church. We are preparing for a baby that came many years ago. We have, in fact already crucified him. He is risen and seated at the right hand of God, and intercedes for us with the Father when we sin. All that is known, and there is no new news to report there.
Here is the new bit of 2011. This could be the day Jesus comes back, no longer as a lamb, but as the lion of Judah. Now the lion means many things to many people, as my hubby loves the British Lions rugby. The lion is not considered weak, or cowering, and when hungry brooks no nonsense. When he smells his prey it is almost too late for you already.
When Jesus returns, all the mental situational ethics will end. No more excuses, no more evasions. We are now in the time of grace whilst God is waiting for the last ones who will surrender their free will to his loving plan. No one will force you, it is a free gift bought with the blood of Jesus himself, who came to earth to reconcile God and his sinning people. Now that is accomplished, God is soon coming, and we better be ready for the choices in life we have made.
One day every knee will bow--yes even my creaky knees and overweight people may need help to get back up,  but it will happen. One day every tongue of every race tribe and creed will proclaim what is sung daily in heaven--Jesus Christ is Lord.
This plan was hatched in the garden of Eden when Adam handed us over to Satan on earth, and came to fruition in a manger. In a birth, in a helpless child, vulnerable and weak, yet even then hell sought to kill this child and many newborns were slaughtered to make sure this King had been found and dispatched. Fear of a newborn baby. Amazing. So as we approach another Advent season, let's set down the tinsel and scissors and paper and tape and ponder this baby, and what his birth means to us. Think on these things and see what Love gives.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

No one can fight like two Christians

This has been quite the week for me. Two people I really cared about decided to let me know the other was not really my friend. One was telling me the other is a well-established liar. I stayed friends with her. The other I had quit being friends with, and decided to befriend her again as well. Both insisted they could prove their side. Both said we were ok as friends now. Then one got upset when i took back the one i had eased out of my life.
There is a rumor about how 3 women can never be friends, and now i see how it works. Then one pulled in more friends to prove her point, and off we went again.
I just went away for a few days, praying to know what was the actual truth. When I returned to the chat forum, i received a message that they had made up. Success.
Yesterday my brilliant Pastor told me about the great darkness in the world. Addiction, chronic illness, fear and many other things people use to fill their God shaped hole in their heart. We (the Jesus people) are the light in the world. We shed light on the darkness and it must leave. Good in theory. Quite biblical in fact. Sadly, everyone I know, is like the week we just had. SO busy proving we have a corner on the truth, we can't even get along with each other. No wonder the world is not impressed with Jesus people. We are nothing like Jesus at all, except we want to end up in heaven with God.
Nothing wrong with going to heaven, but it is not an exclusive club, nor is it a popularity contest. There is no pre-selected list of attendance. If they are to hear, we must set down our pet religious toys and take up the cross. Literally, people are dying in the dark, and sadly some of them are the so-called chosen.
I will be back later, I need to hit my knees in shame.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

what do you do when both sides seem right?

My husband is not a believer. He is not alone. People who don't have a higher power are not amoral. My husband has a well-developed belief code, but sadly, after ten years with me, it does not include Jesus Christ.  I jokingly refer to him as the infidel sometimes in my blog, but i respect what he stands for, when he takes a stand.
Today he posted a link to an Iowan man, a college student, who is everything i wish for in my own God-children, up to and including goes to church. One small problem. He had two mamas. He had a Dad, a donor, but he was raised by the women. Now my fundamentalists friends will tar and feather me, but the child was not given a choice in who his parents might be, anymore than you were.It was an accident of birth so to speak. SO if you want to rail against the relationship fine, but they produced one wonderful son. Many of my Christian friends did not do as well. SO my fundie friends are screaming abomination, and not listening to this young man testify about his home life. IN their minds case closed. That frightens me more than two lesbians raising a boy. Honestly.
I have all i can do to get Brenda to heaven, because although i am forgiven in God, I cling to bad habits and comforts of childhood. It is my fervent desire to be 100% like Jesus, but i am human too. I fail. God in his wisdom chose to not give me real kids of my own, but my God-kids and step-kids love me. I really do not know how hard it is to raise kids, but i see the effects of kids left to grow in  the sun. My brother and I used to laugh we were raised by wolves.
Whatever these women were or are, they are parents, and although anyone can make a baby, it seems to me these ladies raised their son, heis polite, respectful and loving. I would take that in a heartbeat.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

I hate hospitals

Ok I have been talking about our friend Hilary pretty much all week.Today Jim is off work and home from England and we are finally able to go visit her. I would not go.I spend too much of my week in the hospital, and even though southern general is not my hospital, I had a bad experience there when i slipped on an escalator, and i have no desire to ever return.
Is all that Hilary's fault, no way at all. She deserves a million people there to pass this two weeks with her, especially since the Virgin phone company is restricting her calls. The whole thing makes me crazy to even think about, and it was a short trip believe me.
SO Jim is off to the hospital and I am sure he is embarrassed of me. I will accept that, I made my choice. I will gladly attend any homecoming celebration the club decides to do.I am pretty sure I would go if JIm were admitted,(we shall see).
I never dreamt in my life i would come to see dialysis as a part-time job,  but that is exactly what it is. It is coming up to the holidays, and it looks like Santa can't find me new kidney in AB+ blood type. Itis so frustrating,not just for me, but for the members of my family who can't or won't consider being tested. Oh well, such is life, as they say.
ok, the pity party is over --time for a nap here at the zoo.
Blessings, and sorry Hilary.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

the evils of the phone company Part 1

Thought you mind find an email I just sent to Virgin Mobile UK interesting reading:
"This message is from Hilary Smith's husband as Hilary is currently in hospital having had a brain operation two days ago. She has, in these two days, used her mobile a lot as it is her only link to family & friends. You have charged her £55 and locked her account. She has called you a couple of times, as have I. You advised that she cannot use her phone again till 16th December despite her requests to upgrade her package to let her keep in contact with the outside world. I can't believe you have unwilling to assist a long term customer in a time of terrible ordeal even, as she is simply asking to be able to pay for more access in the short term. I would like to see Mr Branson's reaction the treatment you have subjected Hilary to. I wonder, do you have the courage to let him see this email?
Please do something now."
I'll post any response.

This is the lady we were all praying for on Monday, and the soulless virgin sees her only as a number. i am furious
Blessings to everyone and Virgin you will lose accounts over this if not dealt with soon.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

A real Miracle for Thanksgiving

For those of you who haven't read Sundays blog, my friend Hilary was facing brain surgery Monday. They needed to know if the tumor was benign or malignant. I asked everyone i know I know all over the world via the internet chat room, PALTALK. Yes the very one i gripe about every day. In addition, Hilary, Seve and the kids had many many work friends and rugby reals and just friends rooting for them.
I myself asked God to help them through whatever lay ahead. Oh Brenda of such little faith. Hilary was operated on in southern general hospital,  and it is neither benign nor malignant. What Hilary has is a brain abscess. We are walking on air in Paisley. A few weeks of antibiotics, and she will be hole again. I could just dance , if only I could dance.
I did not dare to hope for so good an outcome, so I thank God he is better than I am. He just touched her little head and made things better. She will soon be home with her little family again. Of course it goes without saying we must have a party. For all of you who prayed, or send positive thoughts, or just thought of Hilary fondly, we thank you. How ironic Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. I know what i am thankful for. How about you?
If i hug you wheni see you, don't be frightened. I am only sorry i didn't do this before Hilary was ill. But I won't miss the chance again, and i am gonna be mushy till after Christmas.
Please be mushy too--risk telling those who( you assume) know exactly how you feel, and be thankful. My Dad managed to die never once saying I love you. Please Dads and Moms don't be like him.Let's start learning from others mistakes, not just repeating them.
And Gordon i forgive you, whatever your post meant.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Hilary and Seve

Despite all the rumours my brother started as a child, yes i do have friends. And no, they are not all imaginary. Most of the people reading this will not be Scottish and that doesn't matter. I am requesting prayer for the Smith family. They are friends of ours form the rugby club in Paisley.
Hilary, it seems, has a brain tumor. She is young and pretty and has kids. Their family has been a real spark of fresh air to the club and to us in particular. They are going to take her to Southern General hospital. Jim says it is the best hospital for what she has. 
I am asking for you believers to circle this family in prayer, and to keep a hedge around them. I know God is everywhere so he doesn't mind where you are praying from at all. I believe God is still in the healing business or I would not be here. all i know is no one deserves this.I would say more but i frankly do not know more. I will try to post updates and tell you as i learn, but thanks in advance for the prayers.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Crappy Diem

I am like a roller coaster today. Laundry.Sleep in chair.Burn eggs dry.  Rest. Iron a shirt. TV.Run computer games.Run washer.Think about food it is quarter to two.Shrug. Not hungry. Eat anyway your diabetic. Nothing looks good.That is how my mind is working today. I cannot get the flow of my words to start. 
I want to talk about why Bachman, Cain, and Perry are not the solution to America's woes. I want to see who might run against Obama in his party, if any. I want to share some quotes from our founding Fathers about liberty and tyranny. I was gonna put the snake flag,saying" don't tread on me" on my profile pic.Coulda. shoulda woulda. Now i am going for a nap. I will try again tomorrow.
Or not. Blessings

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Santa Jesus

OK i am feeling well enough to type, (it's my turn to Hoover), and I am gonna tackle this seasonal topic. Santa is a cultural myth we perpetuate for children because we don't want them to think they can be that greedy every day. It is not required, and people like my Dad who had a sparse Christmas growing up turned out ok.
Santa is not real, but he is real if you believe in him. A sign of maturity is when you acknowledge Santa is Mom and Dad. You can ask Santa for anything, no limits in asking, but it is not automatic you will get a compound bow at age 10.It doesn't mean never, it means no, now. To some children who never hear the word NO let me assure you it exists. Believe it or not some parents say NO and still love you. A NO can be a  good answer although it seems harsh at the time.
Jesus is real. He wants to be our best friend. He wants to be a part in every aspect of our lives. He cares in every situation from  new job to new car to new socks. But he is also God. He is not a friend or a plaything we call on when bored. Trust me, there was nothing boring about the cross. He was tortured beaten and abused whilst being sinless himself. He took on the sin of all humanity, despising the shame, because he wanted to reconcile us to the Father. Not for any other reason, he was reconciled to God, and indeed was God. They chose a simple woman from Nazareth to bring Jesus into the world, and she is a part of the Christmas story as well. She was also a part of Gods plan for reconciliation from Adams sin. God didn't have to provide Jesus, but he knew no human could ever be sinless, despite good intentions. This includes Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela,and President Lincoln himself. 
This Christmas please look at some of your traditions and practices, because Christmas morning can be so much more than ten minutes of ripping paper. You can make memories and traditions that your grandkids will pass on one day, both old ones and new ones. Throw out what doesn't work anymore, like the lights that don't work and yet we keep them. Maybe in the midst of the holiday, you can work as a family to help another family have a better Christmas. Maybe a single parent in your village needs you to take their kids to a movie so they can get a nap or caught up on some laundry? I don't want to say because you have such great imaginations your selves. Many old people would like a visit and they usually have cookies!!!!!!!!!!(oops biscuits for our UK friends).
I am not saying no to the Santa kids love, but it is not Santa's traditional birthday. The world would be a lot poorer for no Jesus in it, than no St Nick. Just sayin'

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

RAH the saga goes on

Ok I know you are all as sick to death of my knee by now as I am. Earlier this summer, on a bright sunny day, I fell at the PR Football Club and starting my marathon of pain.The latest adventure is a trip to RAH to see an ortho consultant. Neither of us is from Scotland so we had the battle of the accents, but one language he excels at is pain. He got more range of motion from my knee than i had in months. No I did not cuss, punch or cry but I did pray for it to stop.
When he was finished with his exam, the verdict was the x-ray and manual exam did not tell him enough, so he asked me if I would do an MRI. I said "sure" with my biggest smile, while inside my head was screaming, "NO NONONONONO,well ok."
MRI combines two things I am not good at, one is confinement and the other is sitting still. The doctor would have been surprised if he knew what it took to make me go to the exam at all. Imagine how relieved I was when i found out the exam would take two weeks to schedule. I am sure I am busy on that day, whatever day the eventually pick.
One of the biggest problems in my health care is getting me to show up. No one is more surprised than me to see me approaching two years of dialysis. In the beginning I cut out a bit and once i just decided to stop going altogether, but other than those blips i am steady as a rock in my attendance.
Another worry is with this infection my blood sugar levels are extremely high. The scale goes from one to ten, and I am 18. So far the nurses either didnt notice or...
I am scared spitless.
SO we shall see what unfolds.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

St Pauls in London

Well another cleric has fallen. Instead of the government accepting responsibility for this mess. The people who work for God quit. They blinked first. If that is not an indictment on our society as a whole I do not know what is. Christians are to be ambassadors for the Jesus--to show love in an angry world, however at St Pauls they protect bricks and mortar. Somehow they forgot the church was inside us and the other thing are a building. One could cynically ask if it has something to do with decreased revenue when they shut the building down? that is too cynical even for me.
One is reminded of Jesus clearing the temple of the moneychangers and other businessman. He proclaimed his house a house of prayer, but they had made it into a den of thieves. The sins of the Father, visiting St Paul's. You would think they would be honored to offer shelter and comfort to people in distress as this economy has made our nation. What happened to the biblical concept of cities of refuge, or at the least, the church being the peoples sanctuary. What an opportunity to reach out as they clain they are tryng to do as a church. Wow what indeed would Jesus do. the protestors have opened a little city there, and the protesters are following the way whether they know it or not. If Jesus comes back tonight as he promised he would when he left, I think he would worry less about the "occupation" and more about those conspiring to make this protest needed. Does everyone agree with it? NO, but then in the UK not everyone agrees with the need for religion or buildings reserved for the church.
IN my native NY Mr Bloomberg made a critical error when he forgot to read the constitution of the nation NY occupies. What is happening is as american as the original tea party, not the numpty group that calls themselves that now to hide racial fears. Funny about that, until his fall from grace, it looked like they went out and got a token black man,(who frankly is about as politically astute as Sarah Palin). When will the repukes realize that America as a nation of voters will follow the man who shows he has a plan to end this poverty that no one on Wall street is warring against as long as they keep their jobs and high comfy bonuses whilst Americans are pushed out of their homes due to debt, debt forgiven their lenders in the bailouts?
In the bible, Yes that book again, in Chapter 18 of Matthew, verse 30ish, a man owed a great debt and was about to be thrown into prison. He pleaded for pity and his debt was forgiven. Another man comes along who owes the man with a great debt, and he owes him a pittance. When he tells the man he cannot repay him, the first man has him thrown into prison until every bit of that debt is repaid. Now no one is saying the man did not have the right to throw him in jail for his debt. The point is, the first man was forgiven a massive debt, as he deserved prison as well. But he could not show his debtor compassion that has been shown to him. This ancient parable reminds me of the current scandals in government especially the banking bail outs. We all are paying our debts, as well as the ones from Whitehall or Washington depending on your native land. IN response the banks refuse to give up the huge bonuses, saying it will drive good bankers out of banking. Well, if they were such good bankers would we have this ungodly mess? Why are we asking teachers and others who had contracted pension plans to tighten their belts as bankers carry on business as usual? Who is in charge here anyway? and there is an election which may surprise the status quo in Downing Street in London. Her is my fear. Does it matter if the Prime Minister is Labour, Conservative or Green party as long as they all advance the same man? Was Brown so different than Blair? Is Cameron so different than Clegg or Salmond? The main job of a politician once he is elected, is to prepare to be re-elected. He has little time left to even consider campaign promises as Cameron proved to the students who worked so hard to get him into number 10. (through Nick Clegg)Business as usual, no matter who occupies the Big House. So we all know tuition reform failed, and the list is eternal.
I think the promises of the current administration lasted as long as last nights fireworks, pretty to watch but  nothing of substance. Full of sound and fury signifying nothing, although these were  a celebration of a man who might have had a point after all.

A week away from the blog

First of all, I apologize for not writing anything for a week. I had an infection that took root all over from the knee injury early spring. I am now on Amoxicillin, 500mg three times a day.I am sucking down Benylin Mucous cough like water, and I finally get to see an ortho on Tuesday. To add insult to injury, when we arrived home last evening from the fireworks i nearly tripped over the curb, only the grace of God and my husbands strong grip kept me from going down face first again. It was funny, because at one point i realized there was nothing i could do to stop it, and just then, JIm saved the day.
I choose to believe it was his great love of me, and not that i was carrying the bottle of Absolut Vodka we had won from the raffle at the rugby club. I leave the conclusions to yourselves, just know we have a bad history with bottles of Vodka.
Everyone I love practically was at the fireworks. Even Amy made it, and i was glad, because once you see her, you see she is gonna be ok. She is one of the strongest women i know, and i know a bunch. My friend Sue is the same. She and I  were across the street neighbors during the worst period of my life, and now we are grown and old enough to be grandparents, we can look back on Gods faithfulness then to see better days are coming now.
Although we are related by marriage, another woman of strength is my friend Jean. She grew up in a huge family and has her head on straight and her priorities are positive. Everyone loves her, even those who are cousins by choice, if not by law.
Finally, my best friend from 45 years ago, Ellen. Life has thrown everything at her, and she still wants to be a minister when she grows up. She worked through things that would have put me in jail of a mental home, but she has a strong abiding faith. She has enough faith for both of us, and many times we needed it. We almost never speak anymore, but i know she loves me and the Christmas card is coming.
She is a grandma now and still working, but when we are retired i hope to bring her here to live half the year. We shall see, she may travel the world for awhile, she is that bold and brave.
Hope to speak to you all again soon.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

30 October, 2011

Ok, I am back from the valley of the shadow of death. Outdoors it is sunny and bright. I almost expect the birds to break forth into song and the lion to lie down with the lamb. No I am not drugged, but that would have been a good guess most of the week. Today, at last, I am actually joining Hope Hall in Paisley. I am not sick, I did not oversleep, and I took into account the time change for the clocks.
I am so happy. I was always proud of Jesus and all he has done for me, but this is his people inviting me to join. I am part of the family so to speak. The people of the rugby club love me and are more than kind, but something in me needs to go to church. I really do get something out of it, even the weeks when I am wishing it wasn't Sunday. Sometimes it is a chore to go because of staying up or out too late the night before.
I am not the only new person, our little church is alive and growing. Also, I am not the most unwell, I am just one of the gang. We worship together, and we learn from each other, and then we get coffee, tea and biscuits!
Is this a perfect group?no, or I would not fit in, it is perfect for me and I have a few ideas where I can be of some use to them. The point is, I can aspire to be more than the tea and coffee lady. I do not have to be alone now unless i want to be.
So if you are free this am at 10:30 please stop by and join us for our celebration. I don't have family here so I will make you welcome.
This IS  the day the Lord has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in it.

Friday, 28 October 2011


I have insomnia and on top of that i can't sleep.
Will accept all remedies and suggestions.
This really is not funny anymore.Help.
This i s so traumatic i didn't even try the chocolate cure.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Pillow Talk

The man of the house had a favorite pillow. We both enjoyed using it, and when i went to bed first, I would snatch it. When he came to bed he would snatch it back. Because he is a good husband, and he wanted me to leave his pillow alone, he bought me an expensive memory foam pillow. Needless to say, I hate it. At first I thought it was just because we had the bug and weren't sleeping well anyway, but over time I have come to realize the pillow is worthless for sleeping.
And oh how i love to sleep. I could sleep for Britain, but not on this pillow.
And with the cold/flu gone, it left me behind a small gift of a cough you would have to hear to believe. So it would appear I have entered the ranks of snoring this week.It is nice to disturb someone elses sleep for awhile. I guess whilst JIm was out sick, someone asked how he could be sick and spend so much time on FB?Let me explain it. Jim would rather be on the computer than breathe. He would not thank me for that, but it is true. It is not just the mindless rugby chat, but he actually googles things he wants to know. He does research for his blog, and some of them (the blogs) would get published if he sent them to Glasgow's papers. He says he is a loose thinker. Nah, he is a loose cannon, but his thoughts are very articulate. By that I mean he has the ability to transfer ideas from inside his head, to paper in a format even I can understand. Not that I agree, but i understand his points.You see anyone can write, but if your reader doesn't understand you, what have you gained? You learnt something you have no way to share, and that's a big heartache if you love words like I do.
So if i get a wee bit discouraged on this blog forgive me. I always have a point, but the delivery is just too stiff sometimes, like the new pillow.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Sorry gang this thing in Cumnock

I just do not know what to say, think, or do.
The world is just plain evil, and there is no longer any respect for human life.
People have a right to exist simply because they are born.
I am a marshmallow, but i have always had friends in martial arts, or sports and that helped them channel aggression in positive ways(for the most part).
I have been going crazy trying to think what Jesus would do. I think he would try ot help the family left behind in any way he could. I think he would try to talk to youth about choices and consequences. I think I really have no idea how someone or some ones do this to another. I mean to the point of death.
I am having a quiet day.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

The Great and Glorious Rugby is Over !!!!!!!!!!!

Sadly for France it was so close, but New Zealand managed to win the world cup. As the New Zealanders went mental with joy, i couldn't help thinking Wales would now feel vindicated. It was not a "pretty" game they said. Well at times it was almost like ballet to me, and one more penalty kick would have given either team the victory. New Zealand 8 vs France 7 was the score, but that is all itis. It does not convey the 80 minutes of joy and heartbreak that is rugby. It is also ironic that the man of the match was on the losing team. I was so excited that France would win i could not sleep last night, and I ended up being wrong, but only by one point. One measly point.
Anyhoo, the game being on NZ time has wreaked havoc on my weekend sleep patterns. USA Eagles and Scottish  were long gone, but i still had to watch. Rugby transcends nationalities and at its best it is the beautiful mess. It seems like a lot of athlete-people who would never play for their side got in due to so many injuries.In fact one fellow who got in today's world cup final with his first cap. His Momma was so proud i bet.
Now repairs must be made. I must go and rebuild relationships with people from other nationalities i didn't root for. One fellow from Wales was upset how few UK people got behind Wales. This made me laugh because most Americans did not know we had a rugby team. I did not see a lot of support for the Eagles but i didnt care, the point was, we made it to the games and we would happily have taken fourth place if possible.
Yes some referees, being human made mistakes, and some penalties were a bit iffy. No doubt a lot of games would have ended differently  if the kickers had made it between the posts. Kickers turned the game by their lack of prowess at times, there now i have said it.
I know nothing of rugby, but i love it when i do not hate it, kinda like being a Buffalo Bills fan.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

The Occupy Movement

Right now many places in America have an occupy movement going,and i think i understand why. All over the world people are reaching out for freedom. Within this economy one has little they are risking or have to lose. The part that upsets me is police officers some sworn to protect and to serve, carrying guns in a crowd that is unarmed. I am not too naive to realize guns are everywhere in America, but i remember my Dad saying twenty years ago we needed to go to DC and take America back. I though the was a kook then, but now i wonder. My Dad loved America, bu the saw the constitution being ripped out from under citizens it was written to protect.
Big money will always have power, but if my Joe Citizen doesnt hold the government to account hey will feel they wear bulletproof briefs, and the lack of respect for Americans by their government is appalling. Obama is far form our greatest problem, but if they keep us focused on non-issues they can pay off their great debt on the backs of the American people.
Protest is such an integral part of how we formed America to be, and now they want to limit how many citizens can assemble at one time?
The question becomes for me not is the occupation movement dangerous, but what took it so long? Iti s better to be angry than docile couch potatoes. Make some noise. Let your government be reminded who works for whom.
Or if not, accept like sheep what happens next.
Your choice.
But don't just sit there bleating.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Paltalk posting

First of all , I do not hate Pal talk. It is an on-line chat forum and I have met many people who also use it. In fact, I married one of them. For the most part people can be who they wish to be, and a few brave people are like me, always the same, warts and all. I have only had one nic, Toodleloo, and it is the only one i have needed for about ten years now. My Uncle Jerry gave me that nic, and i love it.
I was totally dismayed in a room claiming to be christian in nature, while every kind of blasphemy and nonsense is touted. I found myself literally typing count to ten as people started saying all manner of evils falsely against people they hardly know. I could feel some of them getting under my collar, and i was not best pleased. I respect the title of President,and I do not feel a need to lie about Obama because times are tough. It does not make me a proponent of abortion or gay marriage. It makes me respect the mans title. Now that bush has been cleft out of the white house I have no problem him going to jail for war crimes. He should share a cell with Cheney, Tony Blair and many tea party whelps like Sarah Palin. Tony finding religion does not forgive all he has done or abetted.
Now, although many assume they know, i am happy to tell you my position on these topics. First of all, I come from a place where God loves everyone he created.I also believe whilst there is breath you can repent. Even Hitler, Bush and Judas Iscariot. Sadly, two of them are no longer breathing so i hope in their last seconds they called out to God.
I do not feel it is a sin to be tempted to do anything. Even murder. It is a sin to do the sin. Now if you have murder in your heart that is an issue that must be dealt with, but he temptation is not the sin. Jesus was tempted in all ways as we were. That means lust, power, greed, pride all the big ones we struggle with.    Having said that, many times we have done these things in our past. I have recently been told that today many kids experiment with drugs and sex, and that includes both genders. Almost everyone i know did something they would rather their children didnt have to know about. I never had kids so I amused by this, but i don't want to know more about my Mom than i do now.
I do not think abortion is hte unforgivable sin. Here is my solution. My friend Lisa took a young pregnant girl into her home.Trust me, Lisa had enough chaos on her own in her home. If you believe something is wrong you can't just sit like a couch potato and saay "shame on you". Rather than counsel the girl to abort the baby, she took her in and made the way for her baby to be born. Now the mom has left and Lisa has another mouth to feed. See, sometimes doing the right thing has consequences. All Lisa says is, "I always wanted a girl". Lisa will love and raise this child knowing the other Mother can show up at any time and change her mind. At least there will be a child to be wanted by two families.
Now the fiery storm that is gay marriage. It is not a sin to be gay. You are not born that way in my opinion, but since i am not gay, I cannot say for sure. It just seems like human bodies were made to reciprocate each other in the making of both love and children. I am happy this is not up to me. I trust god to do the right thing.The fact that i fell in love with Jim and not a Jane or a Jill is just my good fortune. The fact that we could arrange our lives to be together is also good fortune. One hundred years ago, a mixed racial marriage would almost certainly ended up with death for all concerned, and these new honour killings are just as abhorrent to me as two same sex people getting married. Imagine if God killed us every time we rebelled? We certainly would have a lot less over-population. I am not being smug i am just not sure how to be fair and express my true feelings. I have always believed you should not die for who you love, whether that is a man, woman, someone of a different faith or creed or colour or nationality. I am glad I am old, i would not want to raise kids or be dating again in these times.
I almost said the world is going to hell in a hand basket, but that is too trite even for me.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Jim is nigh unto a slow hacking death

About the most grand thing I can say about this cold/flu/terrorist bug that has hit our home is, I got rid of it. Yes I gave it to JIm. I don't mean just shared it as on Facebook, I mean the mighty man of oak has been chopped down in the prime of his life. He is so full of the bug that he has cut way down on his smoking as that requires him to go downstairs and outside. He was so cold yesterday he left his coat on for hours when he climbed back upstairs. He hurts equally, sitting, standing on flat on his back. He is actually taking pills, and the great man rarely takes anything not prescribed.
If there is one thing I know, Jim loves his kids and the people they love, but last night we had to discuss missing a family birthday party so we do not become typhoid Mary types and pass this around the people gathered. He would go despite the pain, but he just doesn't want anyone to feel as rotten as he does now. Now having decided that, he must accept this exciting James Bond theme party we have talked about for weeks is beyond us.
Jim is like my dad was, about work, and if he is not there how can  the show must go on, go on? Jim loves his job even on the hard days, and I am pretty sure he will be out till Monday unless a God he does not believe in intervenes with his miracle. I will keep you posted.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

I didn't thin k Stephen Fry could be boring....

I am sorry, he may be the Stephen Hawking of words, but this new series on words is a real sleeper. Today he is sucking the life out of my favorite book, THE BIBLE. My better half has watched it faithfully, so being we share a house, I have to pretend to listen to it as well (secretly I am planning my blog notes).
Anyhoo I eagerly await his next series.
Recently he went to America and took the mickey every chance he got. Billy Connolly took a tour of route 66 and taught me about a lot of America i will never get to see.Billy didn't gloss over weaknesses, he celebrated them. It is a weak comparison, but it gets to the heart of my angst. Stephen doesn't seem to enjoy his topic, and Billy never stopped grinning even with his tongue in his cheek.
That he is a genius there is no doubt, and he can be proud of his brains, but he needs to make what he is excited about interesting to people of less brain power like me. That would be a series.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

A sad day for sports, and my friend Dan

Rugby is my husbands religion. Case closed. He spends hours reading up on the new laws and when he could no longer play or ref, he began to manage a local team of people he considers his friends. He really has tried to enjoy this world cup 2011, despite the fact that Scotland tanked out almost as early as America. Yesterday  there was what I can say in the least a controversial call by a referee. Not only did Wales get a red card, but the person was their captain. People are getting furious over this. Perhaps as a captain he should have known better than to make a dangerous tackle.
This is gonna become as tiring as Englands constant  reference to 1966, the last year they felt like men. In sports people are sometimes robbed and sometimes elevated above their talent. Fair play is the goal, but sadly, as long as referees are human, errors may occur in good, well-meaning men. It is done, get over it, move on. Wales will not be stopped by this, but for their fans thisis a unique opportunity to show sportsmanship. Lets see if the players are better at it than rugby fans per se. Life and sports are not totally fair, but we have to live them.
The referee has a parent that is French. I do not know his nationality to be fair. It does not matter in the least. This is not cricket that has been thrown in such disrepute. This is rugby, and we hold it to a higher standard because we can. Those of you who have never made a mistake  at work cast the first stone. I am just thankful this blog is not read by as many people as watched that game. Even though after all these months i have only had 5,000 hits, I have had detractors as well. I have been called everything but a white woman, or patronized as a female thinking above her abilities. LIFE IS NOT FAIR.
Many referees like "clownshoes" make errors all the time. He is not fired e is laughed at if he refs for others and cursed if you draw him for your game. But in any case, you play the game. It is a game, and life must be pretty carefree if we can give one game in a series this much ire. In a split second a red card was handed out. it was not a death sentence, Wales threw away their own game when Hook and others could not make kicks work for them, and so even despite this call, the game was lost by Wales.
The referee is always right, even if wrong because he is always human, and we can't second guess every pronouncement they make. We can try to learn form this, maybe adjust dangerous tackle definitions, but if the fellow had severely injured his neck, Mr Warburton would be the first, I know, to regret that decision.   Now this is his chance to lead his team, as their captain into the future, and we all know Wales has a bright one. Wales will rise again, and that will be another game worth watching. The dragon will fight back to many scoffers regret.
Commiserations to all the teams that fought so gallantly and went home.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

the river styx

Somewhere in my frantic attempts at education, I ran across the term "the river styx", and i think it had something to do with crossing over into death. If you knew me, you would know no matter what health condition I am in, I say fine, or mustn't grumble if i am in pain. If i take to my bed, as I have since Monday, I think I am dying. Not the good kind where you actually die, but the slow long suffering of a diabetic whose body has given over to infection again.
Yes, I am still referring to my knee, the one i fell on in the beginning of the summer. Now I am waiting, in NHS time, to get further ortho help. The renal consultant through some antibiotics at it, and it helped, so he stopped those. Then he called in an ortho whose advice was to x-ray the area, although the x-ray the day i fell showed no breaks, in fact, i walked into the ambulance. But ok, we got another x-ray, and guess what? nothing is broken.
So now I am on the NHS guest list to get another shot at the ortho who heroically suggested an x-ray. To say I had little confidence in him, but I must go through channels to get help is both truthful and frustrating. It seems these days they treat you until they go above their expertise and then just pass you over. Meanwhile my knee is huge and purple and angry again, and little infections are springing up in places you don't want infected.
I thought dialysis would clear these types of things up, but no such luck, and so in my extreme paranoia i see my leg being chopped at the knee. That would clear the infection, no doubt. SO I am back to my bed. I get up for a drink this am, and was so thankful JIm wasn't nagging me about extra chores while i am ill. Guess why? every room in the house is a tip. I could use some of those hyper-active meerkats just now. I could use a good cry as well, but neither is coming, so the dishwasher is running and the wet clothes are hung, sorry gang, that is me back to bed a few hours.
I worked so hard to get out of the bed and learn to walk again and dress myself, I can't imagine feeling more like a loser than i do today. Thanks for listening, better days are coming.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

6 months on

Hello my friends. I have not been blogging for a few days, mostly due to exhaustion. We have been getting up in the middle of the night to watch the rugby, on weekends, and then that led to a short spurt of insomnia. 
My leg has flaired up again, and the x-ray showed nothing. Now it looks like it is climbing outward and upward, in fact in the middle of the night my hip hurt so bad i was afraid i would not be able to walk this morning. I must be able to walk as the computer is not in the bedroom.
So, I apologize to you all. I went to bed at 7 last night and slept through to the alarm. And guess what, I could do another 7 hours i think. In most cases i would say i was just lazy or depressed, but I am really sleeping. Deeply, and while asleep my knee does not hurt as much.
SO off to dialysis I go, and we shall see. We have a rider in my car that is a moaner, so I may take her head off today if she starts. She is the kind of woman, who, when she eventually dies will say, "see I will told you i was sick." In a place where a positive attitude is so important, she is my cross to bear. To hear her speak, she is already on the way out. I hope she doesn't take prisoners.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Boycott Braehead--they need to step up

If you are on Face Book, I am sure you have read about the account of a Father taking a picture of his child eating ice cream. There are no other children in the photos, and a security guard apparently tried to enforce a no photo policy that Braehead has. I myself have never heard of or seen documentation of this policy,  but in this age of paranoia i believe it may exist.
Here is my question. Not, did the security guard (rent-a-cop) over react, of course he did. Not were the police hostile, of course they were. But my main question was, was the real concern over the child? No one seemed to question the child came and left with the parent. The gestapo tactics used i would think were more appropriate for a child abduction. Then, if the authorities were over zealous, better to err on the side of caution.
Now, because we have no idea what rent-a-cop told the police was going on, that could explain some of the hostility as the cop tried to figure out the facts. And the Father could have deleted the photos as asked. But what kind of nation would ask a parent to delete a moment between Father and child? We seem not able to stop truly evil children s pics, but eating ice cream? my golly people are we all going cuckoo?
SO anyway, as far as I can tell there were about 20,ooo FB likes on this issue so far. It is less than 3 months till Christmas. If Braehead is that hostile, there are plenty other places to shop, and for this Christmas I intend to. This is just too silly. Braehead at the very least owes this man a huge apology (the customer is always right!) and perhaps ice cream for a year to the child. One cone a week to restore public faith that Braehead is not just some money-grubbing super conglomerate who forgot for a moment the simple joys of taking a break from shopping to rest and get an ice cream.
Bad on ya, Braehead, shame shame shame.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

the end is coming

When my mother calls, if I don't expect the call, I brace myself. Her brothers and sisters are quite old now, in fact she is quite old. The reason she called yesterday was I had forgotten a promise to call her Wednesday after an x-ray. I think I forgot, because true to the NHS, I hadn't heard anything yet. So we discussed that and a few other things, and I sensed Mom was needing to say more. "well, I have some other news, too".
My mother grew up in a home form hell, but we have talked about this before. After Grandpa was long gone, and his money, (which Gram would argue was her money), two of the children remained the most bitter. The oldest sister, Barbara, and the youngest sister, Charlene. Charlene because she was forced to grow up without a Father. Barbara because she was forced to live in the home with a crazed violent man, and he didn't drink, he was just ugly mean.I can only imagine where he leaned that rage, but i will never know. He beat pretty much whomever he wanted to, especially if they interfered in his beating his wife. He set an example all his sons had to fight in themselves, to varying degrees of success. So whilst the oldest kids wished he would just go away, the youngest resented that he did. And Gram got to be the victim the rest of her life so she was happy.
Once in an attempt to reconcile with her Dad, after Bill and I were pretty much grown up, Grandpa and the second wife were invited to come to visit after a lovely graduation card he sent when Mom sent him my graduation announcement. It was long after the festivities, and he came bearing gifts. Then in the fall when i left for Geneseo, he faithfully wrote me and always included a stamp and a dollar. When Gram heard of this, she let me know on no uncertain terms that it was her money he was sending, and after all those years of no child support. My Gram was so foolish, not to see her safety as a gift from God, and as far as I know, her kids did everything to keep a roof over Gram, Mick and Chary's head. In that sense, they were a family.
My Dad lived in Camden every day of his life. He brought my Mother there to live in 1957.  Almost all of his brothers and sisters lived within 5 miles. If left to their own devices i think my parents marriage  would have been fairly ok, but two things ruined there marriage right away, one was a fall my Dad took off a scaffolding at work, rumored because the crew was drunk. The second was my Mothers family, who basically moved to Camden with their kids. Some stayed only briefly, and some stayed forever, and in fact are still there. When sober they were a networking system out of this world, and when not, the recriminations would come, each one convinced they had been most hard done by. And the glue that held them all together was Mom.
Hard to imagine her being strong, but she was tough as nails like her Dad. She just didn't put her hands on anyone, except her son.(strangely who is also like her), except without beating his kids. Some of the Delarm children are doing very well, and some aren't, but that is true in every family, I believe.
The news (what a tangent) is that Barbara, the oldest of three girls, is gone to purgatory. She is not alive as she was, nor will she die soon as she always kept herself so healthy. She has advanced dementia. She will be trapped in that body as long as God allows. I do not know what her mental state is in her head, but Mom says she no longer recognizes her husband. And so all the letters must go out today, not condolence letters exactly, but not get well soon ones either. What do you say to your aunts and uncles? Sorry will have to do. Barb kept herself on the other coast all her adult life except for visits. The four oldest left NY never to live there again, for the most part. Oddly Grandpa was closer to them than us as he went to Florida, then to New Mexico where he eventually died. One by one the people who lived through this nightmare are passing. I do not know where the oldest boy Leo even is, but he would be in his late eighties now i think. Uncle Bob had a brief dementia scare, but he was spared that, and seems to be doing well (for his age). As they go, soon no one will be left who lived through, and would like to be able to forget. Believe me,each of them has paid for their sins many times over.

Many people write, but if you are a writer, words are always twirling in your head, and God help me have the right ones now. The end is near, and each generation seems a wee bit better than those who came before. Bills kids probably don't have a clue who these people are, I am not even sure how much they know about me. We must  push on, and break the chains of bondage to the past. Not with drugs or booze, not with crazy religious fervor, but with honestly looking at it as it was, and choosing to move on. And we will.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

the funny thing is...

As i do housework, i start thinking of a topic for  my blog. Sometimes that is even what i write about. I more often read my Face Book messages, and get some topic like a bee under my bonnet. Those are the days i write drivel. I really can't be angry and focus.
And sometimes I want to use my words to hurt something or someone. That is not why I have this gift. These words have two purposes in my mind. One is to reconcile my past so I can move on, and hopefully the second one  is that my words will resonate with someone else who is struggling and help them push through the quagmire. There is alight at the end of the tunnel, and when i am angry all i can see is a huge train roaring down on me.
A shrink once told me that chili incites riot mode in me. Can you imagine? My mom found a way to terrorize me with chili con carne. Yes I am that weird. Any other night it was take it or leave it, but she wasn't making anything else till morning. I could live with it, and usually did. Too much in fact.
But when she was mad at me, she would make chili and insist i eat it. I know it sounds paranoid, but mom was losing her grip on us, and she didnt dare beat me like Billy got. Dad was no better. He just didn't cook it. So anyway we are not here to talk chili revenge. See what i mean? Even when i have a topic i can go on a tangent.
My overeating was based on supply and demand. My mom did not eat that much, and they had a tea room where they had a nice dinner at lunch time. At night we would have soup and sandwiches or some such. weekends she would cook like an angel and keep my Dad really sweet. Roast or a lasagna or something we all liked. But more than once i went to the cupboard or fridge and it was bare. They were away on a horseshoe tournament, and it did not occur to them to bring something in. I learned to eat when the food was there. Now my Mom had been raised by maniacs, and she always tried to give a leftover pork chop or extra potatoes to him because he worked so hard and was thin as a rail. My Dads food was to gaze at Mom, that's all he wanted  in life, and I don't think she appreciated it. It came to be an obsession over time, but he didn't need food like normal people. I never seemed full i ate so fast. I learnt not to go to the bathroom during dinner, as my milk would be messed with (drunk) in my absence. We were not allowed to eat until they got home from work because dinner was early(4:30 so they would be done before the news came on.) Billy would rifle through say a row of cake or half a loaf of bread, and say"look at her, and look at me ,who ate the cake?" When my folks weren't home, we would seek wicked revenge for snitching, and once i was so nice to my brother my Mom solemnly asked me, "was does he have on you? just tell me and he loses that power". The simple truth is we did not know how to be kind to one another. We used sarcastic humor like a weapon. We never missed the mark.
Wow I guess i am still angry. Talking about it is supposed to help, but it don't seem to have dissipated one bit to me.
Now my Mom is a benevolent old grandmother who never sees her 4 grandkids much, but she has really mellowed. I think partly due to a new marriage, and partly dementia, as in can't remember what she don't want to. Now she says all the time, "Brenda it just didn't happen" 
and she believes it. It is good that i have Jim so i don't lose my own sense of self.It is good that i have Jim so I am not alone. It is good I have Jim because i need him, and all (with him) will be well.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Mothers are complicated.

OK enough said on that topic, at least while she is still alive, lol. My cousin recently posted on Face Book that she had made a homemade lemon pie, including crust.That brought zinging back to my memory when my mother tried to make a pie, though for the life of me i don't know which one. It had many things to do and i think it was a custard one. She finally finished and put the pie filling in the pie plate and started baking it. We were so excited, even Dad kept wandering in the kitchen, as our oven was above the stove so he liked to take a peek. Mom finally called her friend who was walking her through the recipe and asked if it were supposed to bubble like that. Hmmmm...
My dad craved sweets so he would eat it anyway, but Mom had so much invested in the pie being her perfect standard. When she served it, she quickly realized in her excitement, she had never made a bottom crust. We had baked custard, though i must say it was good. If only for the laugh. After that she was back to baking frozen pies again. 
Mrs Smiths as i recall. And Dad ate that too. Miss you Daddy.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

there is no joy in Mudville--

Yesterday we were sent home by England in a pretty convincing way.That was bad enough, but now one of my good friends from the Paisley Rugby Club is moving to Australia. Sadly he is leaving me here in the land of perpetual cold and rain. We had originally formed a band and were headed to NYC to make it rich, but that fell through as the guys started meeting and chatting up girls. So, Kevin is moving on without me. Just one in a long line of men that have moved out of my life.
His leaving party was a roaring success by all accounts, and I think quite a few people will have "the flu" this am when it is car boot sale time. We have to set up tents looking at the weather outside, but I bet Seve won't have the crowd he hoped for to help set up due to the partys demon rum supply.
I can remember in my glory days we would close a bar, go out for Breakfast (pig ass we called it) and then Billy and Barbie had to be at the Super Duper for 6. I think Bob Bellinger gave them Sunday shifts to punish them for being young. One can only speculate.
The Super Duper is long gone now, but it was a landmark for many years as was ACME, and Wilkes IGA. Main Street was so different the last time i went home, that almost no one owns the businesses they did when i left. The pharmacist has been there maybe 20 years now, but he was fairly new when i left, and he frankly gave better advice than the local Doctor, in my humble opinion.
Kellys had started a sports place, and my Mom bought me a bike there that was adjusted to me, instead of the other way around, so being quite short i appreciated that.Also i no longer needed to peddle backwards to brake, i had hand brakes on the steering. I thot i lived in the most amazing times, and remember that was before the internet.
I also miss Millimans fudge, though instead of a store they sold it at the pumpkin farm. To this day i have never had better fudge. I remember at CJ's my dad won an instant draw(scratch off) prize of $1000 . Al Garbarino and Mr Van Ornum started a restaurant in the side next to CJ's. Can you remember it? If you ever saw a menu there you saw my favorite meal. Gramma Festa made the best meatballs, and I was lucky enough to have them regularly. I remember Ellen Turk  was the cook there and she made the family a fortune. My favorite customer there was Phyllis Halliwell. She would come in with a group every week after choir practice. First of all, no plastic dish for her, then she would order a mega sundae and top it off with a diet coke. I would run to the kitchen and laugh and laugh. Perhaps thats why I made next to nothing in tips.
These little stories amuse me, and I guess they do you as well, as i have had over 4,500 hits so far.In total, not daily. I can remember the past almost more vividly than I can remember today. Part of it is my constant longing to go home, and as the people who live in Camden now tell me, it is totally different. My family has left for one.Bill is up north, and mom lives half the year in Florida. A lot of the Face Book accounts are from people whose names I do not know.Also a lot of my girlfriends married and I do not know their married names.
Times move on, and we must move with them.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

I am gubbed, I am distraught, I am a Scotland Rugby fan

AS an American who has an american football background, ten years of living here has not helped me understand much more than fundamentals.This much I know, I have too many games lost in the last ten minutes. I am gonna petition the IRB to make the games only seventy minutes in total. 
Both teams played very well,Tuilagi was my man of the match, but it is time to consider retiring Wilkinson. Yes he can still kick, but his glass jaw of a few years ago was replaced by a steaming pile of lack of confidence. 
Gabby Logan could not present her way out of a wet bag of England, and even she is better that JW.
But i am not bitter.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

bad day

For those of you tired of me complaining about dialysis, no need to read on. Wednesdays session was so bad i don't even want to go back. And  yes,  I do know what that means. I am not as afraid of death as I am the NHS Western Infirmary.
Yes itis still about my knee, and yes they decided to stop the antibiotics that have done me so much good. And no the cellulitus has not gone in the places down my leg i cant reach to lotion. That's all it would take, a bit of lotion. consistently for about a week.
The nurse Wednesday made an appointment for me even though i told her i could not do it on wed. Then she asked again, then she called the doctor who said he was coming over. Needless to say i split at that point. 
Swabbing is done for MRSA and of course mine was lost. So we had to do it again wed. and of course no one knew where the swabs were kept for about a half hour. So once again there was not time to go do extra time on the machine, because I ride with two other ladies and we need to get done about the same time. The loosehead who scheduled our seats put all 3 of us in the same room, so we won't even go there again, but i mean really.
there is only one nurse in the upper section, and two in the room of 6 patients, so when they take breaks and lunches it gets pretty hairy. I just dont know if i want to go in and get the lecture i will get for leaving wed noon. I did not scream, cuss , or swear, but i will today if they push too hard. I don't want to, but i am getting frustrated. I am beginning to feel no one is listening again. I know there are 10 patients and not just me, but my anguish is from appointments made without my consent. Thereby making themselves more unnecessary work. So here i go , more later.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


I am a person who needs order and stability. If my house is messy I cannot think. Not OCD like my brother, but clean and tidy. As the old saying goes opposites attract, and so there is Jim.
I grew up surrounded by farms in various sizes. My first real love was a farmer. What drew me in was rows and rows of perfectly planted grains and vegetables. Some farms were dairy as well, and the rhythm of the day for a cow fascinated me. Just cause i wanted to go out on a date, the cows must be tended, 7 days a week. Also, whilst dating him my car started to smell like a farm if you know what i mean.
I think we could have been happy, but i was too young to understand the needs of his cows. When i am more able to look back on those years I will have many stories to tell. Times were good. I was in love. I just didnt know it because it was hidden behind some real hard work.

OOPS a correction blog

Not and Graham should have read Nok and Graham and I am truly sorry. These two fine people are going on the missions field. One thing Nok had to do before she could go was a dissertation, and remember English is not her native speech. Graham is from Scotland so he will need to learn a new language, customs, and why and to whom God is sending him. When i came to Scotland i was pretty scared, but then America had a similar language and many of the same traditions and customs. I can't help but admire people who for jobs, or mission field or for marriage go to a new country to start over.
They are looking fro a few good people to commit to pray for them on a regular basis, and you can contact them at Hope Hall church in Paisley on Alice street.I think you can send them a note and remain anonymous. I just think prayer is so important in our daily lives. If you agree, feel free to pray in agreement with me. You may also pray for me if you wish. I pray regularly for my readers as well.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Missionary Sunday= Not and Graham

Well, yesterday was one of the best services in awhile. I was a wee bit late as we finished watching the Scotland game, but things were on Scottish time so I was ok. We had a guest speaker and I do not remember his name, but he built a fire for missions under us all. I remember telling everyone i would be back for evening service, but we had a roast dinner and I did not coordinate the times very well. SO, once again , a wee bit Scottish late.
This time however, wearing my thinnest jacket, the heavens opened. Then I got into church and it was cold, so I was pretty uncomfortable. After a tremendous service I will describe in a bit, we even were offered Thai snacks. All in all, not a bad day.
Now turn with me to your Bible, Acts 10 the story of Cornelius, an Italian Roman centurian." There was a man called Cornelius who lived in Caesarea, captain of the Italian guard stationed there. He was a thoroughly good man. He led everyone in his house to live worshipfully
before God, was always helping people in need,and had the habit of prayer." The Message, a bible paraphrase.
It goes on to say Cornelius had a vision that told him he had favor with God and to send men to Joppato get Peter,(who by no coincidence is having a vision himself).
The next day about noon Peter has a vision on the balcony as he is praying. It was about mealtime and Peter got hungry. In his trance he saw the skies open up, and a sheet was lowered from heaven. Every kind of reptile and and animal and bird you could think of was on it. Then a voice said, "Go to it Peter, kill and eat" Peter was concerned as he had never eaten food that was not kosher. The voice said, "if God says it is clean, it is clean." Finally the sheet was lifted back to heaven. 

Tomorrow we will go over when the men sent from Cornelius arrived, so that this does not become too long and wearisome. My biggest concern is trying to read my own handwriting from notes i took yesterday. This is worth repeating though because even though you may have heard them before, there is new life in the story.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

William Yerdon--RIP

Thursday night my Mom called quite late and i was sure it was bad news. My first thoughts were of my Grandma Delarm, who is 101. Teflon Gram is still fine though, and it was news from my old house on Preston Hill.
Where Durr Ave bumped into Preston Hill it was a dead end. That was before Mr Sweeney built his insurance and home up there. Bill bought the old Littler place, and moved in with Marietta, his wife, and kids Danny  and Linda. Also they had a lovely dog named Bootsie. I am unable yet to touch many of my memories because I do not want to break down, and frankly I cannot believe he is dead. Way back when i was leaving high school, he heard he had severe arthritis. If you never saw a bad case, itis horrible to watch it take its insidious grip on a man. The man who had worked so hard for his family (and every one he knew) could do nothing to stop what his body was doing to him.
When i was a young girl he put in a swimming pool, and that made my life so much better. Marietta would get home early from work, and then we could go in. They would tease one another a bit, but they were the parents of the neighborhood, and all the kids wanted to be at there house. Bill called me some really terrible names (mostly comparing me to a sack of poop), but many an afternoon they  would listen to my tales of woe. They walked me through my high school crushes, and only laughed after Ihad gone home. Bill, for all his human faults, really listened to me. He knew when to kick my butt, and when to pat my head. After each report card, (when Dad said nice no matter how I did), I would go show Bill. He would always check the lowest grade, and say what happened? but he was teasing and i loved him to bits.
When Mom called to say he had left us, I cried out NO, but it was selfish. I always planned to go back and tell him how much he had helped me in the years i was so alone, but i never did.
Bill suffered a long time with his arthritis, and i pray now his family can comfort themselves with knowing where Bill went, there is no pain anymore.
And heis surrounded in love.

Hallowe'en with Uncle Bug

My Uncle Bug was a great guy, and as I was older than his kids, I had him in my life to an age where i have some great memories. He absolutely loved his family, and he left way before he wanted to. He was one of the most alive people i can remember from our old house on Liberty Street. That house figures into one speacial halloween memory i have, and I promised Tammy i would tell it. The old  house my parents owned before Preston Hill House was kinda odd. It had a main door, and then coming off the side of the porch a long walk to the kitchen front door. The kitchen had a back door down to Mad River as well, but the snakes will be another story.
Directly across the street was my Grandparents house and next door lived my Aunt Sheila and Uncle Bug. One day there was a knock at the kitchen door and I ran to answer it. Now the door had a couple windows, and in the top one was a jacko'lantern lit up and carved from a huge pumpkin. from the next window i could see no legs or body so i knew it was floating in mid air. I screamed and Mom came to see what the fuss was. She looked out the window and said, "oh Bug you scared her. Get in here." 
Another memory is when Grandpa's big white dog was scaring me, so Uncle Bug always had a solution, and here it was. "Brenda, you need to shave the dog to show it who is boss".He offered to show me how, but luckily for the dog, and me, Mom called me in to the house just at the right time. I miss Uncle Bug, and if he had stayed around I think my life would have been so much more fun. My Dad was not fun, and Uncle Don had a mean mouth on him, but Uncle Jerry and Uncle Bug and Uncle David hold a special place in my life. My Aunt Sharon was the kindest person, and I still do not know what she saw in him. Maybe it is hero worship in Uncle Bugs case i was so little when he died, but Uncle Jerry, wild as he is, is still my best Reed uncle.
I worried when he lost Aunt Barb we would lose him, but he is coping (that's what Reed's do). So Tammy you have a great legacy in your family and I am so happy you and your sisters are doing so well. I know it was hard growing up, but you are three beautiful girls and I think your Daddy is looking down from Heaven and very happy. He would have loved being a grandpa i think, and you would have had fresh carved pumpkins every year.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

The Middle East part 5,932

I bet you are as sick as I am of the middle east. My religious type friends do not seem to get it that Israel is a secular state by choice. They feel an ancient mandate to "pray for the peace of Israel" and as we all know Israel, God's chosen people, for the most part needed to repent over and over. Many warnings and prophets were sent. Jeremiah, Lot's wife,Nathaniel, and Jesus himself was prophesied over and over in the Old Testament. They would repent. God would restore them, they would fall again.
Abraham's two sons became mighty nations. His son with Hagar became part of the Palestinian movement today. Even though Abraham cast them out from among his people, God kept them safe fro his own reasons. His son with Sarah, Isaac, became the promised son of the prophecy. The ancient struggle, brother versus brother. You see it in your own homes, one child maybe feeling more loved than another. One harboring or nursing a grudge. In Adam's sons it led to jealousy and murder.
We are not so different today. Although God's chosen people, there is no denying the holocaust happened. Afterwards, understandably many remaining Jews were not as enamored of God and his "people". If left to their own devices, many surrounding nations would flatten Israel like a paper pancake. So we must police them, and keep an eye on Israel because they seem to feel they are accountable to no one. Both sides of the borders can say they have had family members murdered.. Both sides,and the Christians claim a link to Jerusalem. Just look at Ireland to see what religious fervor can do to a nation. I absolutely do not speak for God, but I bet he is not on either side. Who honors their God by killing? Who has a right to take a life but God.
Muslims saying, Salaam, want to make the world conform to their God.
Israel, saying Shalom, wants peace through people conforming to their God.
The Lord God wants the killing to end. The Lord God wants those who follow him to be a positive force in the world. He wants people to show their faith by their actions, and quit blaming God for own bloodlust. Before there are actions, sins are thoughts, the Bible says. It is not a sin to be tempted, it is a sin to sin. Jesus was sorely tempted, but without sin. He got angry, but did not sin. I am sure he was tempted to rain fire down on religious phonies, but instead he went around healing and comforting and trying to reconcile the world back to his Father.
God loves every single person he ever created. What he hates is sin. So even the church who loves to get on tv and at funerals to say who God hates-- are lying. YUP.All God hates is sin, and thats because the consequences harm people more than the pleasures of the moment. I can tell you for a fact God not only doesnt hate fags, he doesnt even call them that. He hates the sin, but knows each person by name. Even the sinners who go on tv ad declare what God is or thinks. His heart is broken to see what people turn his church into. And America is right there in the middle of it all. Despite good or bad intentions, all that money and time and lives has not solved this ancient feud. And as I am writing this, more UN soldiers will die somewhere, in the cause of someones God.
I do not know the answer, but before we decide to change a countrys' borders, before we decide to stir gasoline in the fray, lets ask ourselves why Palestine can not be given a home as Israel was? Which brother deserves a home more? We must love Abrahams' sons equally, or this whole world may go up in flames.
And then we will learn what hell is. Too many people have the know how to blow this world to kingdom come. Anyone out there wanna be an agent for peace? I sure do. I have kids who want kids one day, don't you?

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

two views on a day

Today is the most special day of the year to me. Today 50 some odd years ago I got a baby brother, and that meant what was about to happen i would not go through alone. Today my whole family will look back on that day and remember things about Bill I will never know and think of all he has done for their life.
Meanwhile at or about 6 pm,Lawrence Brewer scheduled to be executed Wednesday in Huntsville

Read more:
for one of the most vicious crimes i ever heard of, white supremicists tied a man to a long chain and dragged him down a long road until his body tore apart. Literally he was decapitated.

Now bleeding heart people will say thisis because of KKK brainwashing and that culture of hate the south engenders between black and white. Ironically, he has absolutely no remorse for his part, and through beautiful Karma, the man in the White House as he is put down is a Black man who is part white on his mothers side.

If any deserved to end up hating the world itis my brother. We suffered indignities at the hands of those we trusted, and both our parents were a bit nuts for different reasons.My mom was a product of a home filled with abuse as a child, and my Dad landed on his head after a bad fall at work, off a tall scaffolding. When hehad his final stroke the doctors told us "we didnt know about brain trauma back then,"and that explained a lot.
If anyone should have grown up angry and hateful, I would have understood. But my brother went a different direction, and has always worked to unite people and not tear them apart.
My brother has listened to me cry over a failed marriage, a failed kidney and a failed life. He thinks I am wonderful, and may be more than half the reason I never actually killed myself successfully.
My brother is tough,he has had to be. He had to raise our parents,himself and me.For many years he was the only adult in our home growing up. My response to all i saw was to cry. His revenge was to go out and make a good life. Heis a better man than his Father, and a better Father to his sons than he had.
Although many times we had juvenile fights and torments, I love my brother with all my heart. Now as we begin our mid-life, he has Chrohn's disease, and once again he takes all it brings in his stride. What he can't change he adapts to and keeps a great sense of humor about it.
I think my brother may be the closest thing to a real man i have ever known. And he will kill me if he ever reads this, but God knew I could not cope  without him, and my brother loves God with all he is.
The same date means so much to so many different people. September 21 God sent me a new life to treasure on earth, and Sept 21 the government will take a monster out of life.
I am not hear to debate capital punishment.
I am hear to say we choose how we react to life. Bill chose not to hate. This man chose to kill savagely. Funny old world.
Bless you, little brother.Thanks for being my best friend through 50 years and a million other relationships we both had. YOU are my port in the storm.