Saturday, 12 November 2011

Santa Jesus

OK i am feeling well enough to type, (it's my turn to Hoover), and I am gonna tackle this seasonal topic. Santa is a cultural myth we perpetuate for children because we don't want them to think they can be that greedy every day. It is not required, and people like my Dad who had a sparse Christmas growing up turned out ok.
Santa is not real, but he is real if you believe in him. A sign of maturity is when you acknowledge Santa is Mom and Dad. You can ask Santa for anything, no limits in asking, but it is not automatic you will get a compound bow at age 10.It doesn't mean never, it means no, now. To some children who never hear the word NO let me assure you it exists. Believe it or not some parents say NO and still love you. A NO can be a  good answer although it seems harsh at the time.
Jesus is real. He wants to be our best friend. He wants to be a part in every aspect of our lives. He cares in every situation from  new job to new car to new socks. But he is also God. He is not a friend or a plaything we call on when bored. Trust me, there was nothing boring about the cross. He was tortured beaten and abused whilst being sinless himself. He took on the sin of all humanity, despising the shame, because he wanted to reconcile us to the Father. Not for any other reason, he was reconciled to God, and indeed was God. They chose a simple woman from Nazareth to bring Jesus into the world, and she is a part of the Christmas story as well. She was also a part of Gods plan for reconciliation from Adams sin. God didn't have to provide Jesus, but he knew no human could ever be sinless, despite good intentions. This includes Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela,and President Lincoln himself. 
This Christmas please look at some of your traditions and practices, because Christmas morning can be so much more than ten minutes of ripping paper. You can make memories and traditions that your grandkids will pass on one day, both old ones and new ones. Throw out what doesn't work anymore, like the lights that don't work and yet we keep them. Maybe in the midst of the holiday, you can work as a family to help another family have a better Christmas. Maybe a single parent in your village needs you to take their kids to a movie so they can get a nap or caught up on some laundry? I don't want to say because you have such great imaginations your selves. Many old people would like a visit and they usually have cookies!!!!!!!!!!(oops biscuits for our UK friends).
I am not saying no to the Santa kids love, but it is not Santa's traditional birthday. The world would be a lot poorer for no Jesus in it, than no St Nick. Just sayin'

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