Thursday, 1 December 2011

what do you do when both sides seem right?

My husband is not a believer. He is not alone. People who don't have a higher power are not amoral. My husband has a well-developed belief code, but sadly, after ten years with me, it does not include Jesus Christ.  I jokingly refer to him as the infidel sometimes in my blog, but i respect what he stands for, when he takes a stand.
Today he posted a link to an Iowan man, a college student, who is everything i wish for in my own God-children, up to and including goes to church. One small problem. He had two mamas. He had a Dad, a donor, but he was raised by the women. Now my fundamentalists friends will tar and feather me, but the child was not given a choice in who his parents might be, anymore than you were.It was an accident of birth so to speak. SO if you want to rail against the relationship fine, but they produced one wonderful son. Many of my Christian friends did not do as well. SO my fundie friends are screaming abomination, and not listening to this young man testify about his home life. IN their minds case closed. That frightens me more than two lesbians raising a boy. Honestly.
I have all i can do to get Brenda to heaven, because although i am forgiven in God, I cling to bad habits and comforts of childhood. It is my fervent desire to be 100% like Jesus, but i am human too. I fail. God in his wisdom chose to not give me real kids of my own, but my God-kids and step-kids love me. I really do not know how hard it is to raise kids, but i see the effects of kids left to grow in  the sun. My brother and I used to laugh we were raised by wolves.
Whatever these women were or are, they are parents, and although anyone can make a baby, it seems to me these ladies raised their son, heis polite, respectful and loving. I would take that in a heartbeat.

1 comment:

  1. Brenda, I didnt even comment about the boy, he seems like a nice boy, all i said was is that a homosexual marriage is wrong, if you would have stayed in Mapes room this morning without running off you would have heard my explanation, of course its not the boys fault he has 2 momas im not blaming him at all and im not judging him, I just said homosexuality and gay marriages was wrong.. Don
