Sunday, 31 July 2011

Jim's a blogger i admire

OK, well the trip to Skye he is currently describing will take a few days as he is giving each day its own blog. The fun thing for me is after dialysis i don't remember much of the Friday night, except I was hungry, angry and tired.
The restaurant made me feel like when baby Jesus parents were told there is no room at the inn, and the part Jim left out in kindness, was they took no bookings and offered to let us stand outside while we waited. If you know anything about me at all, you know i am freezing year round. I have no circulation at all. I am a thirty year+ diabetic, and neuropathy doesn't begin to cover it.
Finally the kind restaurant he describes took us in. I had a chicken sandwich that was the best i ever had. I slept the sleep of ten years time that night, and so we woke up way to early to suit the other guests. I think Jim hit the shower at 5:3o am. Trying to be quiet i think we sounded more like bull elephants. i will let him tell you the nice bits of the trip and i will fill in an anecdote here and there. I have puffins as i never got to actually see one. And i bought a million postcards for when i go completely senile. I have been to Skye. I would happily move there forever. No place to dialyze there though, so , Lord bring on that kidney please. 

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