Tuesday, 26 July 2011

I want to be a billionaire so frikkin' bad

This song is on a compilation cd Jim got for his birthday. At first I couldn't make it out, then i thought, that's a terrible song to use that word. Now i sing it all day long. It is true on my human selfish side. I want to be a billionaire so frikkin' bad, have all of the things i never had...I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine, standing next to Oprah and the Queen. Every time i close my eyes, i see my name in shining lights--well you get it, and enough said.
If it were part of Gods plan i would have a bajillion dollars. Having been unfaithful with the small amount he entrusted to me, perhaps i should thank God there is not more to account for.
Recently, I received a very disturbing letter from my folks, telling us of how they want their final days carried out, and telling us how they will behave if they die. It is a mature thing to talk about, as my Dad wasn't kind enough to trouble his butt to record anything, but at 59 maybe he still felt he had time to grow old.
My mother is old now, and it is proper to settle these things, but the funny bit is her mother is still alive post age 100. One never knows. Be prepared the boy scouts say.
The world better prepare, for when I'm a billionaire, oh  oh oh yeah.

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