Friday, 8 July 2011

TGIF kinda

I am in a bad mood, and since it flairs up again every time i go to dialysis, I see no end in sight. I won't bore you with the details, except to say as horse and pony shows go, this one belongs directly in a glue factory. Communication is out the window as everyone covers their butt in fear of inspectors that i think have forgotten to come. BM which is a blood test for diabetic numbers is pretty much not done unless i ask, I had two meds taken away from me and I was not even told, even though not needing them anymore was good news. In america . BM is a bowel movement and that is kinda ironic too.
A month ago I told a lady psychiatrist I felt I was a little too down. The promised Dr was never summoned and to this day I have not talked with him.
Although  it is no longer the proper title, an auxiliary nurse managed to start a row before she started her three weeks vacation,(I am beginning to see a pattern here) as she knows when she returns the smoke will have blown over. Meanwhile one of the good nurses, yes there are some, blew her stack, over something passed to her by this dour faced cow.
Things were so much better on the ward. The nurses were actually in the same room with us and saw when we were in trouble. Now those alarms seem to ring non-stop some days. To be fair usually there is no problem, but the machines want checked or they would not ring. In the ward we were close enough to speak to one another, and we enjoyed watching deal or no deal  as a group.
If this were a club or a job and we were this unhappy, we could quit. Dialysis is not something we can just not attend, it is life threatening. I am close to wanting to chuck the whole thing again. Why doesn't the NHS keep a better eye out? Well i can think of one reason, when i wanted to address a concern to a "Sister" their word not mine, I was told they follow perfect protocol. After that no more words seemed necessary.
I give up.
No point in my humble opinion.

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