The Anthony family has kept Florida pretty pre-occupied and the whole of America knows something about the case. In spite of lies, lawyer tricks, innuendo, and the press making their ill-gotten gain almost everyone has an opinion on this case. I am ashamed to say i posted a joke i found on FB where the woman in this case calls the police for help and they said they would be right there in 31 days.
Now there is a big campaign on to stop the Anthony family from profiting from a movie deal. I have no earthly objection to that. My objection is the nasty tone it is taking. "Lets keep her in the poorhouse" they say.
That is another matter. For whatever reason, there was not enough evidence to convict anyone in that poor girls family of her death, and there can be no double jeopardy. I think now they should be allowed to get on with jobs and their lives. If she wants to work for minimum wage, if anyone would hire her that is not my business, nor is it my business if she wins the lottery. My one objection is to boycott anything that smells of profits from the death of a child, period.
It is rumored that Wal-Mart may try to hawk pink tuxedo shirts, and i do not get the connection to the Anthony case, but if there is a link, i have no trouble boycotting Wal-Mart. If the family cannot profit, neither should a store, a newspaper, or any organization, with the possible exception of shelters for abandoned children and that ilk. Groups that help kids like Miss Anthony need funds and I understand that in these tough economic times.
Here is my point. I simply do not know what the truth is in this case, but it seems clear someone in the home wasn't watching out for the child. Now we can all make tutting noises or maybe this child will be the turning stone for change. Afterwards people always say "I knew something wasn't right in that home". If you truly know or even suspect a child is emotionally or physically abused or neglected please don't just look away. If you call child protective, they will investigate, and they can take steps the child cannot take for themselves. I would rather pay with my tax dollars to find out we were wrong, than to let one more child die needlessly. If we are wrong and the child is safe, we did our best. I am not saying to just call to get even with someone you don't like either. We do not have enough workers to just wreck someones reputation.
Let's be the adults and stand up for children. Let's say each child has certain rights. No child should be raised in fear or danger.Then one day, maybe we can work towards no one be raised homeless. I know i am a dreamer. They say some people have mental or addiction problems and need to live rough, well if that is true, I bet no one asked the children what they want. I dunno, this makes me sad.
We must and should do more for the helpless.
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