Thursday 7 July 2011

just think about it

Two of my rants in one day may seem a bit extreme even to me, but after not having my words for so long the well is over flooding. With the nice weather even FB has been a bit dull lately, i am hoping due to the extremely nice weather. Even yesterday when it was drizzly it was still warm.
For those of you who don't know, this is organ donation week. I hope most of you never think of it because every one of your loved ones is healthy and happy. I hope one day organ donations are no longer needed for anyone. I know they have the technology to replace massive amounts of the organs we need to live. I also know that many people die waiting for organs that never come. I will not try to convince you to donate today, i just ask you to consider this. May we pass a medical law that states all people are assumed willing to donate unless they opt out of it? Here is why.We could have a national registry based on your National Insurance number where doctors would have to check before they touch your organs. If you opted out, that would be final. I personally don't think that many would opt out. The reason so many people don't donate is either  they were young and healthy (and thus thinking they were immortal)and never told their family their beliefs; or they have a loved one near death and cannot think clearly about anything past the loss of their loved one.
When i was 22 years old I had a 35 lb ovarian tumor. That was removed surgically and the real damage had been in the way it had crushed some of my other organs to make way for it. it caused so much trauma to my pancreas i was a diabetic after that. It collapsed the tips of my lungs. It separated my small intestine from my large one. I had two surgical teams, one (Thanks Dr Bourne) to remove the tumor, and one (thanks Dr Hummer)to keep me alive as they fully expected me to die on that table.(thanks God). After a lifetime of not being very healthy, at age 53 my kidneys have failed. No one to blame, just more gifts from the original tumor. Although it was declared benign, it was truly a non-ending battle for me. I am not asking you for a kidney. I am a very rare blood type, and i have few viable veins left, so I would not waste a kidney on me. If things were different and it was easier to get a kidney, maybe then i would ask for one. The truth is I dialyze with people much younger than myself, and i would prefer they got free of the machines.
I am not ashamed though, to ask you to get more information, as almost any hospital has a renal unit. They have special nurses trained to speak to you about any concerns with no obligation.Once you have your questions answered, I trust you to do what's right for your family. I also wish more people would consider registering to give organs whilst they are alive. Sometimes you need need both kidneys to survive. I know when i die i will have ample skin for burned children via the Shriners charity in America.
I know you probably think, like I did, that this will never happen to you. If you would be willing to take an organ, please consider donating one.Talk about it now with your family before your emotions confuse the issue. It is not ghoulish, we all make wills to protect our family once we are no longer around. The will speaks in our absence and makes our wishes clear. A clear document written by you whilst you are clam and well could be stored with your will and help your family at a horrific time, even if you prefer not to donate.It will help them i promise.
OK my soapbox is making me dizzy, thanks for listening. It will open discussion if nothing else and that is the first step to a solution.

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