Ok--and a bit of Hallelujah--
One of my favorite Sandi Patty songs is this one--may i post a bit of the lyrics? "Was it a morning like this, when My Lord looked out on Jerusalem?did the grass sing? did the earth rejoice to see you again? Over and over in a never-ending round, did the earth seem to pound He Is Risen?"
It is a song about Easter told from the planet earth perspective. It makes my heart dance, and I always sing along if possible.I cannot reach the notes, but I know all the words and that is enough for me.
It is 6 am and the dawn broke fresh and glorious. My room faces the sun and it looks like we have every light in the house on. So even nature is cooperating to get us all to church.For my family in America it is 1 am and probably quite dark. Here, Jesus is risen and so has the sun. I know manyof you won't even believe in God let alone resurrection and that is fine. But I am not gonna modify my words for the reader. I will say my piece, but I will also listen to yours.
Someone on FB yesterday wrote some pretty nasty stuff on my posts. I pity that person.Truly, and so should you, as it is ok to disagree, but that level of disagreeableness means they are either hurting themselves, or jealous of people who claim God loves them personally, yet God has not seemingly approached them. Is that her fault?nope it is mine, and yours. If we had shared our hope and the word, at least she would have a choice--and know WHAT she was actually rejecting.
So, my pity party about my last church ends today. I have found a church in Paisley (curiously recommended by someone who doesn't maybe believe in God--but likes the people)and Jim has agreed to go with me. I have not been to church since before Christmas. The why no longer matters, I am one person who does not do well as a maverick. People say do I have to go to a building to worship God? and the answer is no, he is everywhere.
But Brenda needs church cause the world closes in on her and distracts her. I need a quiet place with music and fellowship to focus my thoughts on why i am even at church. Ok I admit it, I cry in church if something touches me. You know, the occasional sermon that seemed written just for you? and the Pastor seems to fade into the background, and you think Jesus is speaking directly to you? Well that awesomeness reduces me to a puddle. I do not attend church to show off new clothes or to look spiritual with my friends, I go because I needed a Saviour. And she who is forgiven much, loves much, as in Mary Magdalen. I know what I am, and i know if i want to change I need a Risen Saviour. I have no beef with Buddha, Mohammed or Vishnu, but I am not dead, so I need someone alive to lead me. Jesus males sense to me.
I do not know where I would be today if someone had not shared with me the possibilities in Jesus. The world says, like Job's wife, curse God and die! Jesus said Brenda, you are not he best or worse person I know, but i love you as you are. Come and learn my ways when you are ready to stop blaming the world for what happened to you and see what part you play in this so we can stop this cycle of pain.
One last song"Christ the Lord has Risen today, Hallelujah." I can't wait to get to this new church. I hope I know the songs, because I intend to be a belter today. What i slack in quality I will make up in volume. Talk to you later. Whatever you do or don't do for Easter, I wish you peace.
God bless.
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