Saturday, 16 April 2011

Tamil Tigers

Ok--I am not gonna do my blog any favors today. When I arrived from America I really didn't have much of a clue who the Tamil Tigers were. They were just the bad guys in Sri Lanka. Now it turns out we must redefine bad guys as the Sri Lankan government itself has been caught openly terrorizing their own people. Open society to foreigners is a good sign of a healthy government, and a free press means people can change things by addressing them openly and honestly. Tonight I saw some footage of men stripped of both clothes and dignity and shot in an execution style slaughter. Consider with war crimes on both sides, how safe are the basic citizens of Sri Lanka? Why are we not NATO bombing them? Perhaps there is no oil?

Robert Mugabe has already secured his place in hell for the actions against the white farmers in Zimbabwe, and now the citizenry in general.The problem is the white farmers were too good at what they did. It looked easy to be Africa's breadbasket, and so some genius decided to take over these farms (a euphemism for go or be pushed) and give them to black men. Fine in principal, but there was not the generational family training or secondary  agricultural college training in how to run a profitable farm, and they slowly painfully failed. Farming is first and foremost hard back-breaking work. You cannot say I am a milker when the crops need planting, you cannot say I drive the grain to the mill when it is not yet harvested. Many times of the year it has to be all hands on deck to get the crop in. There has to be a foreman at least that has his credentials in order to lead the team.
In his frustration at these crop failures, Mr Mugabe in his wisdom refused food from western sources(although he personally looks a bit overfed to me). If you think I ma exaggerating ask South Africans how many Zimbabweans are in their borders--needing everything up to and including medical care. Idi Amin would be proud. Pol Pot also, but what are we to stand idly by?
Why are we not asking Mrs Clinton to shake  our proverbial  fists at UN meetings and demanding action and that Mugabe should and must leave before he starves his people literally to death? I see a theme here, Zimbabwe has no oil.
Well then in that case they are a sovereign nation and we must not interfere-we are not the world's policemen. It is disheartening.

China was given the opportunity to host  the Olympic games. The west rejoiced to think we would finally get into the country President Nixon opened to us in the day. Well we saw what they wanted us to see, and little else. So many little people thrown off their land for the Olympic cause and for what purpose? Are the Chinese people any better off for these games? Where did all that money go? to the poor farmers left homeless in the wake of huge plans to glorify China? I think not. Communism has failed on an epic scale and they (Chinese officials) no longer even pretend not to be capitalists. They own massive chunks of America now and the dollar can't fail cause they have to boost it up. So how seriously will the Chinese take us on the human rights issues? Diplomats have to be certain China won't call in its debts and bankrupt us permanently. Tread lightly as we owe them money.

Greed, lust for power and need for control are increasing not decreasing. I feel there is little regard for the value of each and every human life.For life to have meaning, every life must be valued, although it is silly to assume we will all have the same output of work. We all must do what we can--and we all must start immediately.Talk to your government representatives--there are elections coming up--and they may think you just care about local things--you decide what you care about and get vocal.Talk. Write. Meditate. Sing. Pray. Do.something." The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Please don't throw up your hands like a couch potato. Take courage from Tunisia and Egypt and Libya--their causes all seemed hopeless at one time, and now they are miracles in progress.Be enCOURAGEd, and do what you can. I am begging you. One day we may need these very people when the Tamil Tigers of our fears come calling. We are one global village now. Be a good citizen.
God bless us all.

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