Saturday, 30 April 2011

Moffat v Paisley RFC

For most of the games this season, I have not felt well enough to attend, or it was too cold for me.Today Jim helped me with the chores, bought me a jewelry box and so it was only good manners to go to the game with him. Of course that meant going alone, but being where he could see me. On Jim's blog when he says rugby is all there is, he isn't joshing. He can so block into he game in his mind, I cease to exist. He takes every yellow card personally for either side, and makes no apologies for being team manager. He has forgotten more than I will ever know about the game. And why he wants me there i will never know. But as I said, he wants me there so i willingly went. I am so glad i did. Jennifer and Lisa and another person sitting with us were so much fun. Jennifer has shown me a side of Scott i didn't know was there, and although I already considered him a friend as a member of the club, I really like him now. 
Gary was man of the match, and when i took a weak spell he was right there to help Jim get me in the car. Peggy has had a few bad days as well, and she worked today anyway and not at a slow pace. Needless to say the crowd was immense and we ran out of Pringles, but not out of luck. Poor Moffat, they didn't know how much we needed this game to come back after McLaren, and we were magnificenter than usual. (I know i made that word up.)
The touch judge was his usual good natured self, and the pregame jokes he told were a blast. I prefer him as a ref but he is an all-rounder.
Kevin is soon off to NY and today was Joel D's last game before moving. I met a young lad called Malkie (not Mr Dodd) who i think is a riot. Speaking of Dodd's one who played today may regret it tomorrow, but by God he is a magnificent player to watch. It is exciting to see someone who loves the game, and knows the game. There was one coach who is only there to scream, and you may not believe this, but some people resent that. Rumor has it we won't have him around much longer and that's too bad cause he was a hard worker. 
Ok so we won all the games. The first was an odd one cause it was Paisley v Paisley, so you didn't know who to root for, and the under18's won but at the price of constant abuse form the coach,  (in
my humble opinion), although many think that is just his way.
The best part of my day was spending a few moments with Mr Wilson who is a perfect gentleman and a devotee of the game. We talk of many things though, and he never bores me for a second. Pure quality man, lol.
So thus ends my day in the sun. We left the house at 11 am and i got Jim home for 7, then he went right back, and so here i sit another Saturday night alone. In his desire to be with his buddies, he forgets his biggest fan is sitting right here. I miss the long talks on the phone and computer before i moved here, and i miss that man. That man couldn't get enough of time alone with me. I think since i have become unwell, coming home is always to a list of things I can't do for myself. He can't just come home and hit the computer, and chill. He is a good man, but maybe my constant needing care is getting old. Or maybe i am just being paranoid. I just know this will be my last night home alone for awhile. He may regret going back when he remembers he said he would take me to church tomorrow for 10:30 am. We shall see.
My mighty men of Paisley made me proud today, especially the 2nd 15, as they gave up some tries because they remembered the other team was under 18 and should not be crushed like one would an adult. In the warm sun shine everyone seemed to be doing there best to get old winter cobwebs out. It was just a great couple of games and  a sunny beautiful day.
There is some talk about a trip to Blackpool or somewhere pre-season. Sounds like fun--hope they can all go.
God bless. Good day.

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