Thursday, 1 September 2011

OK where do i want to go on holiday next year?

Hello my little munchkins. Jim did a million chores for me when he got home tonight, so if he was a bit late to the club forgive me. he just whipped right through my honey-do list. It was 3enough to last all day if i had been able to do it, but he got it sorted snappish and had some dinner with me.
Yes, for those of you paying attention i kept food down today. Down and in. No real accidents, except my shoe came untied and i kept tripping over it instead of kicking it off. 
Jim has introdused me to a new(to us) singer called Mary Black. Every song i have heard so far is my favorite. Prolly will end up being FLESH AND BLOOD, but we shall see.
Speaking of new music--Tom Urie has a cd on pre-order. Sounds like a great gift for the upcoming holidays. I think he is Bob on riverdale or riverdance or something. The clips he has posted on FB are very promising. Good luck tae ya Tom. When you move to Hollywood remember those who loved ya in Angelic Angels with Karen.
OK so i am petitioning opinions on holidays for next year. The only requirement is i must be able to dialyze. No other conditions. Please suprise me..

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