Saturday, 27 August 2011

Here comes the pain again

I should have suspected something Thursday. I thought I was just tired from doing my chores around here. To do three blogs meant I was not getting up and moving around as much as I need to to not be stiff. Friday my regular transport driver was on holiday and I stood outside an hour before I figured out no one was coming. You should have seen the size of my knee after that.
By nine I finally arrived at the hospital,(don't ask), and our session begins at eight am. SO i only got three and a half hours of a four hour session, because at that point i was already not wanting to even be there.
Then we get done and sit there waiting for the transport driver who was too lazy to get out of his car and let us know he was sitting there. I guess he gets paid if we are in the car or not. My knee could not bend properly to get into the back seat of his car, and the jerk could not help me, although it was obvious to everyone at this point the knee was damaged again. Then we finally drop Cathy off and get to my house, and he sits there again as I struggle to get out of his car. The other patient after me has a lot of stairs to her house and she is a heart patient as well, so I am afraid to know how she got into her home.
It is just disrespectful. I am always dressed, and downstairs waiting for me ride when Jim goes to work. I figure it saves time for the driver and other patients not to have to ring me to come down when they arrive. From now on till the regular guy is back,(bless him) I will wait in my apartment and spare my knee.
I am still so angry and my knee is still aggravated, so for those of you, like Alison, who asked why no blog, I was afraid of what i might say if i wrote this yesterday. I know i sound angry, but i counted to ten , then 100, then 1000.
Believe it or not, this is me calmed down a bit. You have to laugh or you would cry.

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