Tuesday 23 August 2011

divorce woes

OK first of all September 4th makes 10 years since the divorce came through. I received my copy September 10, guess what the next day was? Yup. IN the past year we have made great strides and were getting a sense of closure. I was on FB yesterday trying to think of how to word a blog on Libya and guess who hails me? Yes again.
Forgetting my brains at the door I tell him i do not have time to talk. I keep telling him i am going to sign off. He seems a bit desperate so we talk about generic things like his family. 
Then to my surprise I find the person i have been talking to is wife number 3. Having never met me, she analyzes my whole life. Whatever she has been told, even I can see I am a monster. SO now I am tryig to find a way to block a friend i added to FB. What I can't believe is how much leftover anger I still have. SO much for my religion, and i finally woke up to yet another message from a woman who calls herself Dolly. There is so much i want to say, so many points I could refute, but who is she? She is dining on my leftovers. He will reveal in time why she is wife number 3, and no help is needed from me.
So I am not as grown up as I thought. I guess it was a mistake to look for closure. I guess it was a mistake to not believe he meant to divorce me, and it wasn't just his parents. Maya or someone wise said, if a man tells you who he is, believe him. That will have to do for closure, or else i am asking for this hassle. I have to give up the effort to prove i was right to settle for i got out alive. And fairly sane in my opinion.
Frustrated with men but safe.

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