Thursday, 25 August 2011

blog number 3 today

Just listened to Martina McBrides' Loves the only house, and it reminded me of my old (errr former) WAL*MART jobs. We had one policy, if you steal we will parade you through the store with the cops and shame you and prosecute you. No exceptions. Ever!
Well as a bleeding heart liberal crusader i went to the manager to complain."What if they need diapers or their kids are hungry? will going to jail help them?" My very patient manager Mark took me out to the warehouse. In it were containers of diaper packs that got spoilt in transit, dog food, and some house hold items not good enough to sell. Then he sat me down and said, if anyone ever comes to you and says they are so desperate they are tempted to steal, send then to me. I can walk around my store here and from our associates pockets get about $20 bucks without even trying. But just don't steal from me. I do not know where Mark is today but he ran the Cortland Walmart with dignity.
Loves the only house big enough for all the pain in the world. If you need it, ask. How can people help if they don't know. Let go of your pride, you would do it for others if you had it. One day the shoe will be on the other foot. What goes around indeed comes back in crazy ways. I have a friend who is teaching me forgiveness. Her daughter -in-law tried to burn the house down with the family including her baby in it. If some fireman had not risked their lives i shudder to think. And i get mad when people call me names. Sticks and stones indeed. You can be a hero to someone too. Help a child struggling in school, give an older person with no car a ride to the store. DO something, cause one day you will be that old lady. My grandma used to say she didnt ask for rides cause people knew she didnt have a car. Foolish, cutting her nose to spite her face.
Loves' the only house big enough for all the pain in the world.
Bless you thisis my last blog today i promise. I am bushed.
I bet you are too.
Blessings till tomorrow

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