Monday, 23 May 2011

Monday May 23rd

Although I won't name the Tory MP, the following quote is from this politician, who obviously has not a clue about rape, and may actually be guilty of what he is about to describe, as he apparently finds it quite banal."
This publicly paid employee goes on to describe date rape as follows...
He then described "date rape" as being when a woman "voluntarily goes to her boyfriend's apartment, voluntarily goes into the bedroom, voluntarily undresses and gets into bed, perhaps anticipating sex, or naively expecting merely a cuddle.
"But at the last minute she gets cold feet and says 'Stop!' The young man, in the heat of the moment, is unable to restrain himself and carries on.
Now many men resent being attributed with the characteristics of a dog in heat, but this QUOTE BY AN UNENLIGHTENED man implies men simply have no control when aroused.This is absoutely not true.It is also not true for women, and yes some men do say no for various reasons at different times. NO means NO stupid. From any adult, at any time no matter what was suggested or promised earlier. When did getting cold feet become a crime punishable by violation. I also believe both men and women are sometimes strong enough to take what isn't being offered.
Policemen and politicians are quite unfit to protect and to serve if in 2011 the crime of rape is still "winked at" if you were on a date, or if you were dressed a certain way. For example we have all seen on tv how some men enhance their "looks" by putting a sock in their pants and women padding their bra.That makes you arrogant, insecure,or prideful,not a candidate for rape.This really roast my chestnuts that we are still trying to define an ancient crime we all should know is horrific and real. Imagine the repurcussions if after you are raped by someone, your government violates you again by not getting that monster off the streets.Imagine knowing that person is free to come after you again, or to harm another and you can't do a thing about it. Some still don't get it, because although sex is part of rape, itis really about violence. It is being stripped of your power to choose, and the judicial system can make you feel vulnerable again at a time you can least fight back.
This world is not perfect.Crime exists and we must accept it. However having said that, some Neanderthals may point out that some people cry rape after a relationship ends to hold on to a man. Or claim a celebrity attacked them to get whatever reward they feel that may yield.That is just as wrong and if proven, that person should be removed from society as as dangerous a person as any other we would send to jail to try to keep our streets safe.
I am sick and tired of people who have no clue about rape making and enforcing the laws of this nation. I am not suggesting only former rape victims understand, but one must at east have a heart and half of a brain.
If I were someone who made bets,i would say this man will be re-elected. That is the final rape of all.
God bless.

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