Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Lord Morris

Today I learned of the death of a man I needed to thank as I owed him a large debt. I do not know much about him, but he was a Labour party MP, and Harold Wilson made him the first Minister of the Handicapped so to speak. Because of Lord Morris' work, most public buildings are disabled access and many ramps, both in public and private were ordered supplied by the councils. He even affected building plans for public housing, whether the units are specifically designated for the disabled or not.

His fervor for the cause was fueled by his own Father, who having returned missing a leg and an eye from military service was not properly supported. He saw the lack of caring the government showed to men trying to adjust to civilian life. I do not regard many politicians, and rarely use blog space to hail one, but this is a man I would have liked to have met. What a legacy he has. I for one, benefit every day from his efforts, and when Murette is ready to leave hospital they will make her home safe for her as she adjusts to one leg. I am thankful. I hope soldiers returning today are treated better than the soldiers of old.

So have a kind thought for the Morris family. They lost a British hero today.

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