Friday, 24 June 2011

The sins of America

I stayed out of the NY debate over same sex marriage. I was a native NYer for 45 years and the last ten I have lived in Scotland. I understand the desire to nest and make a family. I understand that many believe you are born "that way"whichever way your sexuality is. I understand the unfairness of denying benefits to life long partners like we give those who marry the opposite sex. Since when do we base our morals on fairness?
I know Disney came out on this issue a while ago,when they gave same benefits to all employees. I know that many good, well-meaning people said things on my FB pages on both sides of this issue. The most interesting one was from a friend who said it is time NY moved out of the 60's. Well, I was in NY in the 60's, and it was a time of mass confusion. The civil rights movement, Woodstock and many other outside issues, including assassinations and rock-star deaths made the whole world seem like it was about to implode at times. The world of June and Beaver Cleaver was no longer working for the majority who were watching it on TV and not living it at home.
This is all I can say. This dilemma began for me when the abortion laws passed. I fully understand all the reasons we don't want abortions done in dirty back alleys. I fervently oppose blowing up planned parenthood clinics to prevent abortions also. But this law was never intended to be a form of birth control for multiple times over and over.
I know this may dry up my readership forever,but I have to answer one day for the eighty some odd years I may have on this planet. I believe there is more beyond this earth and the entrance to that world is death in this one. I believe there is a God, a higher power, and that we are accountable for our actions, both individually and as a nation.
I know this will rock some of you being I have supported the "it gets better"campaign. I am always in support of that which gives life to the desperate. I don't believe in same sex relationships, but I do not want kids to die for that choice. When i was young the worst thing i thought i could do was come home pregnant and unmarried. Imagine being afraid of a helpless baby. Now my sons can have sex out of or in wedlock and die. HIV and Aids are still killing people although at a slower rate. So these same hormones that drive the world can now demand your life or in the case of chlamydiae leave you barren. Herpes, unlike love, is forever. I do not think it is my business what your sexuality is. I do not think Abortion is the unforgivable sin we hear so much about. God hates the sin, but no person he ever made is his enemy. He is love, but many of his followers have lost the plot. I just think it is getting harder and harder to stand up for traditional marriage and values. The rights of one are not in the exception of another. I feel many sneer at my old-fashioned ideas. I am old, however and remember how this all started. I remember when the ERA almost passed in America. It failed because they tried to attach to a simple good law, equal rights for women in contraceptive freedom as men  had had for many years, indeed throughout history.They said these laws would prevent child abuse as there would be no more unwanted children. How did that work out for us all these years  later? Why is the most unsafe position for a child pre-natal? We send millions to Africa for sickly babies, but it is a drop  in the pan to what we spend to kill babies. Why is abstinence so offensive? why is it mocked? I know why it is hard to achieve, but why is it not Honorable and prized. It use to be "only a certain type of girl" did it. I guess they didn't need a boy. So some of the hypocrisy has ended, and both partners have responsibility in their contraceptive decisions.
Love waits is an old campaign that works for me. Sex insists and pushes, love waits. 
Here we go.

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