Monday, 13 June 2011

prfc day two

well, for every good thing I say about Saturday, i never know when to leave good enough alone. Sunday i went back to the club,mostly to be with Jim before he left for England. I was tired from the day before so i brought a colouring book and crayon gel pens. Of course there was no Sophie and her chaotic crew to colour with me so i sat there awhile trying to enjoy the book. 
I got up to get a drink or snack or look for people, and turning the corner to the front of the car park, i took a mighty fall. Yup, right there on the slabs.The very slabs i had just said let me be independent. No longer did i have to go over the uneven grass pitches or sharp stoned driveway and hazard a fall.Or so  I thought. I went down to left knee, then both hands, then i cracked the side of my head. Today i have a black eye and a bruised chin.
I immediately starting asking people to go get Jim. I was pretty sure i was hurt badly, but also as confident i would not die.Jim , Seve, and Paul were magnificent, and they let me lie there a second and get my bearings. Paul blocked my feet so I could not fall forward, and Seve showed JIm how to grip me as they hoisted me a few inches and put a tackle block under my butt, than a second one. From that height i was no longer as afraid to let them lift me, and they put me right in a comfy chair as we waited for an ambulance to arrive. When the crew arrived minutes later, i was sitting back in a comfy chair with my feet up. I looked fine until you got closer. My knee had doubled in size and gone white. Today it is half white an a bit more blue. My chin looks a bit angry, but unless i try to walk i have no pain. Also, I am able to walk, but around here i keep a zimmer handy.
Just to break the tension, i will tell you how Molly loves when it is just the two of us in bed. She also sleeps with Jim, but he is a snorer, a shouter and an arm thrower-so she is a little leery. We had an entire week planned of real deep sleep and last night she jumped on my hip to begin our sleep fest, when i let out a blood curdling scream of pain. Miffed she took off to find sane people to sleep with, and she still is not speaking to me. The other not too funny moment happened when i fed her. JIm always feeds her because i am unable to
bend down to the floor without falling. She in turn runs between his legs to make sure she is getting fed, like a circle eight. She pulled that at her mealtime with me, and again the pain of her brushing against that leg brought tears to my eyes. She looked at me as if to say, "cry later, feed the cat now!"
So off we go on our new adventure, we can sleep in a bit tomorrow, and we can get some chores done.
God is in his heaven, and all is right with the world.
Blessings from me and Molly.

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