Sunday, 26 February 2012

Wednesday, 29th February, 2012

Yes this is a leap year, and a whole day has been added tot he month to make calendars more accurate, or whatever. Since most people believe or are afraid this is mankind's final Mayan moments, i will give you something to take your mind off the impending grisly death.
In the new world of America we had comics since almost forever. One of them was called Li'l Abner. He was a mattress tester for a bedding company, but the most important thing his comic did was to make nationwide an antiquated southern custom called Sadie Hawkins Day. Sadie is a hero,especially to shy men of a certain age, who can neither ask a girl for her hand, nor even for a date tot he ice cream social, Ox roast they have every year. Sadie stepped in, and the tradition caught on, seein' as how it is only once every 4 years.
What Sadie done was go over the mountain a piece and ask the man of her maidenly dreams to marry her. He said, "I reckon so,I will ask my Mama!" The two were soon wed, and the rest is history up here in the great piney woods. So, you single girls, pluck up your courage, pluck up your eyebrows and pluck you up a few roosters to make you some chicken and biscuits,(just to aid his along). Remember kissing don't last, cookin' do. Many more childrens would be old married couples by now if they didn't have to wait for a man to leave his mama, and go out and get a date.
The thing is, a man can shoot him a big old bear, and yet he can't seem to talk all pretty like to a woman. SO girls, do them a favor and settle 'em down with a bunch of young un's, a farm and a few days off a year to go off fishin', drinkin' and daydreaming, and you will have one content hubby.
I myself would go with ya, but i already gots the man of my dreams. Good luck to all, lets start them sewing machines up and get quiltin' for the impending weddin's.
Bless ya.

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