Friday, 30 March 2012

The Wrath of Wrathy

At first I just thought she hated Americans, and that started this whole new past-time I have of observing her and her words more specifically. Although she is Irish and Catholic, she does not realize she is as bad as those who participated in the troubles. She simply "looks down" on the poor protestants going to hell.
Yesterday in the car she starting griping about those she calls "asians". because she knows i would go mental if she said pakis, but she might as well with the venom she spits.She is not some country bumpkin, although poor as a churchmouse, she has a lawyer for a son and a doctor for a daughter. Her ignorance is more inexcusable because she has seen the world when her hubby was alive. Nope, I can make no excuses for her, she is purely ignorant.

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