Saturday, 10 December 2011

Ozzy Osbourne -yes he is the man

Although this may surprise some of you, not everything Ozzy sings is trash. In fact, some of his songs I can even make out the words. Tonight the one I am referring to is "Life Won't Wait For You", and whoever wrote it, it is brilliant to me.
Every second of every is too short if we live to be one hundred. Live wisely and have fewer regrets. Tell that person you are sorry. Fulfill that promise you made to whoever it was. Stand by your word with your life, or you will fall at the first hurdle. Life is too short. Quit loving at funerals, love will there is time to fix old wounds, or know when to move on, because life won't wait for you.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

ok add hotmail to the list i hate

Your account has been blocked
Why are you seeing this?
Someone may have used your account to send out a lot of junk messages (or something else that violates the Windows Live Terms of Service).
We're here to help you get your account back.
What do you need to do?
We'll ask you to provide us with a mobile phone number where we can send you a verification code and we'll add this phone number to your Windows Live profile for future use.  After you enter the code, you can change your password and sign in.
We've cleaned your account settings
Often customers get here because someone else has access to your account and are using it without your knowledge to send spam. To protect you and your contacts, we've removed any Hotmail auto-replies or linked accounts you may have had.
On the weekend i was asked to open my blog more often, so i went into my hotmail nots to get something for inspiration. Instead i saw FB had flooded me with a million trite messages about nothing so i sat there and systemically deleted most all of them.
This is my reward for all that hard work. I can't get access at all to my account because itis blocked. Sadly that includes most of my families address book as well.
so...please dont think i am getting your messages on my hotmail account, as i refuse to give them the phone number they requested all along. They can keep my messages pics etc, as they have probably deleted them already.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

a good wife

Jim woke up when i was not in bed and came out for a drink of water, now an hour later he is telling me for a second time, come to bed. I can't sleep, and i won't until he gets home Friday. Today whilst renfrewshire is preparing to send all kids home by 1 pm(major winds coming), he is setting out for a trip to England for work. The winds are bad enough, but this car is not his, and he is unfamiliar with how it handles...and although he has driven forever, other people may panic.
This is what i will do--kiss him good-bye with no tears, not beg him to quit his job, not break out in hives, etc. What i want to do is wrap him in a duvet and tell him to quit his job until Monday. So , ok, i do overreact. I hope I am overreacting, I hope this all turns out to be another Michael Fish fox paws. I hope because I won't be able to do a thing to help him. I must just pray, trust him and wait.
That's what a good wife does.

NHS nightmares-angels watching over me!!!!!!!!!

OK, so my dialysis is not a social club, I attend because if I do not attend i will get very sick. Poisons are eliminated that my dying kidneys no longer can control.
Now, the reason we can afford this is Jim has had a job for about a hundred years and paid liberal taxes. Part of that job requires him to travel out of the country, and frankly we are not independently wealthy yet, so he goes pretty much where sent.
That meant Friday morning he would be away and I had no one to help me into my shoes. Up to now if JIm was not there,  I had velcro slippers to where, and I could get myself to the hospital in them. These same slippers have no sole, and i trip enough when the route is dry.
So I ask the sister at hospital if there was an opening on Saturdays rota, when Jim would be home. Nope!
Then i got nonsense about buying a pair of boots, (lol ) like i can get american sizes in europe! then they said well could you come in Friday, but later? as if shoes are easier to put on later in the day. Nope. SO i went home and made up my mind I would suffer until Monday. I knew i would be sick, but i thought i would suck it up so to speak.
After moaning all the way home, don't i get a call from an angel of mercy and don't i have an appointment on Ward 7 east on Saturday. She went to the docs and got them to make a space for me. Thank you God. I bet this all sounds petty to you, but I do not go to dialysis cause it is fun, i go because I need to.OK so now i can relax until Saturday and all is well.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

A baby is coming

This is advent season in the church. We are preparing for a baby that came many years ago. We have, in fact already crucified him. He is risen and seated at the right hand of God, and intercedes for us with the Father when we sin. All that is known, and there is no new news to report there.
Here is the new bit of 2011. This could be the day Jesus comes back, no longer as a lamb, but as the lion of Judah. Now the lion means many things to many people, as my hubby loves the British Lions rugby. The lion is not considered weak, or cowering, and when hungry brooks no nonsense. When he smells his prey it is almost too late for you already.
When Jesus returns, all the mental situational ethics will end. No more excuses, no more evasions. We are now in the time of grace whilst God is waiting for the last ones who will surrender their free will to his loving plan. No one will force you, it is a free gift bought with the blood of Jesus himself, who came to earth to reconcile God and his sinning people. Now that is accomplished, God is soon coming, and we better be ready for the choices in life we have made.
One day every knee will bow--yes even my creaky knees and overweight people may need help to get back up,  but it will happen. One day every tongue of every race tribe and creed will proclaim what is sung daily in heaven--Jesus Christ is Lord.
This plan was hatched in the garden of Eden when Adam handed us over to Satan on earth, and came to fruition in a manger. In a birth, in a helpless child, vulnerable and weak, yet even then hell sought to kill this child and many newborns were slaughtered to make sure this King had been found and dispatched. Fear of a newborn baby. Amazing. So as we approach another Advent season, let's set down the tinsel and scissors and paper and tape and ponder this baby, and what his birth means to us. Think on these things and see what Love gives.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

No one can fight like two Christians

This has been quite the week for me. Two people I really cared about decided to let me know the other was not really my friend. One was telling me the other is a well-established liar. I stayed friends with her. The other I had quit being friends with, and decided to befriend her again as well. Both insisted they could prove their side. Both said we were ok as friends now. Then one got upset when i took back the one i had eased out of my life.
There is a rumor about how 3 women can never be friends, and now i see how it works. Then one pulled in more friends to prove her point, and off we went again.
I just went away for a few days, praying to know what was the actual truth. When I returned to the chat forum, i received a message that they had made up. Success.
Yesterday my brilliant Pastor told me about the great darkness in the world. Addiction, chronic illness, fear and many other things people use to fill their God shaped hole in their heart. We (the Jesus people) are the light in the world. We shed light on the darkness and it must leave. Good in theory. Quite biblical in fact. Sadly, everyone I know, is like the week we just had. SO busy proving we have a corner on the truth, we can't even get along with each other. No wonder the world is not impressed with Jesus people. We are nothing like Jesus at all, except we want to end up in heaven with God.
Nothing wrong with going to heaven, but it is not an exclusive club, nor is it a popularity contest. There is no pre-selected list of attendance. If they are to hear, we must set down our pet religious toys and take up the cross. Literally, people are dying in the dark, and sadly some of them are the so-called chosen.
I will be back later, I need to hit my knees in shame.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

what do you do when both sides seem right?

My husband is not a believer. He is not alone. People who don't have a higher power are not amoral. My husband has a well-developed belief code, but sadly, after ten years with me, it does not include Jesus Christ.  I jokingly refer to him as the infidel sometimes in my blog, but i respect what he stands for, when he takes a stand.
Today he posted a link to an Iowan man, a college student, who is everything i wish for in my own God-children, up to and including goes to church. One small problem. He had two mamas. He had a Dad, a donor, but he was raised by the women. Now my fundamentalists friends will tar and feather me, but the child was not given a choice in who his parents might be, anymore than you were.It was an accident of birth so to speak. SO if you want to rail against the relationship fine, but they produced one wonderful son. Many of my Christian friends did not do as well. SO my fundie friends are screaming abomination, and not listening to this young man testify about his home life. IN their minds case closed. That frightens me more than two lesbians raising a boy. Honestly.
I have all i can do to get Brenda to heaven, because although i am forgiven in God, I cling to bad habits and comforts of childhood. It is my fervent desire to be 100% like Jesus, but i am human too. I fail. God in his wisdom chose to not give me real kids of my own, but my God-kids and step-kids love me. I really do not know how hard it is to raise kids, but i see the effects of kids left to grow in  the sun. My brother and I used to laugh we were raised by wolves.
Whatever these women were or are, they are parents, and although anyone can make a baby, it seems to me these ladies raised their son, heis polite, respectful and loving. I would take that in a heartbeat.