Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Pimply Murette strikes again...

I always got by knowing that although we bicker, we basically care for one another in our ride to the hospital for dialysis. Wrong and epic fail. I have finally found a woman who absolutely cares only for herself. I didn't think it was possible.
When our polite long-suffering driver finally had to speak to pimply for never being near ready when he appears to fetch her, mind you Wrathy and I are always at the curb,her reply was that she didn't ask them to wait outside. This is especially heinous because the last pick-up is an elderly woman with many aches and pains that so far the doctors can't fix.
This woman also finds we all have time to wait around whilst she must have a cigarette. She got really cross when the driver(who has small kids f his own,and transports other sick patients) asked her not to smoke seated in his car. Now she does not technically smoke in the car, she swings her legs out and sits on the edge of the seat, but Cathy who must wait for the driver to find a chair to transport her upstairs, sits in the smoke and does not complain.
This woman abuses all the kindnesses of free transport and the other passengers. The driver has a run finished before he does our 7 am run to the hospital, then in the afternoon makes a run to campbelltown for another dialysis patient.

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